Definition of a Senior Center

A Senior Center is a community focal point where older persons (as individuals or in groups) come together for services and/
or activities which enhance their dignity, reflect their experience and skills, support their independence, encourage their
involvement in and with the Center and community, and respond to their diverse needs and interests. The primary role of the
Center is to meet these needs by linking participants with resources offered by other agencies and offering services/
activities within the Center. Senior Citizen Centers strive to fulfill the wide-ranging needs of the older community by providing
a variety of services/activities to a wide spectrum of older people from young-old and healthy to the very old and at risk,
addressing the needs of this population through general and specialized programs. These programs cover such areas as
creative arts, education, health, leadership development, nutrition, recreation, social and other support services. The Center
also serves as a resource for the entire community for information on aging and support for family caregivers, training
professionals and lay leaders and students, and for development of innovative approaches to aid pressing aging issues. We
welcome all Montville Senior Citizens to the Center.