The dangers of DEHYDRATION

Dehydration happens when our bodies are not consuming enough water or fluids to account for the water loss. Although our bodies lose water at a baseline rate that generally aligns with our metabolism, we can lose fluids at higher rates when we are sick, exercising, sweating, have a fever, drink alcohol or suffer from conditions that result in the loss of excess amounts of water (perhaps a medication that you take). If you feel thirsty your body is already suffering from dehydration. This can affect any age and any level of activity.
To avoid dehydration, keep these point in your mind on a daily basis:
 Aim to drink 64oz of water a day.
 Eat your water! Apples, cantaloupe, watermelon, cherry tomatoes, oranges, celery and carrots all help you stay hydrated.
 Start each day with a glass of water (no ice). Drink it before you have coffee, tea or juice. It will help replace fluids lost overnight.
 Cook with high-quality sea salt. Unrefined sea salt is rich in trace minerals which aid cell health and hydration.
 Minimize caffeine, high sugar and alcohol drinks, as they do not aid to your re-hydration.