We are now THRIVE55+

Groton Senior Center is adopting a new identity THRIVE55+ Active Living Center to better reflect the efforts to promote the healthy and vibrant lifestyles of its members and staff efforts to help older adults thrive in the community. This change is a result of a 2019 research study of perceptions and barriers to using the Senior Center. This study showed that the word “senior” had negative connotations from nonusers affecting the overall perception of its programs and services. An overwhelming majority of survey participants supported removing “senior” from the organization’s title, and suggested branding that reflects the activities and community services offered. Based on the recommendations of the survey, the rebranding of the center was an appropriate step to shift perceptions and ultimately better align with available center services. For at least six months the brand will have the tag line “powered by the Groton Senior Center” before transitioning fully to the new name alone. This will allow time for people to adapt to the new name but also know that it is still the same staff who will continue with the quality programs that are offered. Below is an explanation of the new brand. Both the research of perceptions and barriers and the new branding and renaming efforts were paid for by the center’s fund balance and not from taxpayer dollars. If you have any questions, you can contact Mark Berry or Mary Jo Riley.