Diet is a 4-letter word

Diet is a 4-letter word but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing! Have you learned
anything from past programs you have tried? Consider evaluating the good and
bad with a Pro-Con-Pro format of thinking. Were there aspects of a diet plan that
fit well to you? Did you discover foods that you truly do not like? Putting some
thought into what you do or don’t want to do regarding eating is very important
to creating a personalized plan to meet your health goals. You are the most
important person in deciding what will work for you. Consider keeping a journal
of what you eat and drink along with monitoring your feelings and observations
related to this as well as your activity. Were you hungry? Was the meal easy to
prepare? Did you feel full between meals? Were your medical conditions
improved? Etc. Healthy eating is a lifetime endeavor for a healthy life.