Where are we going this January? ~
January 4 Shopping trip to Walmart / Lunch is on your own / The color is Purple
Must register by January 3, 2017, 2:30pm. No payment required for this trip, but you must bring money for your lunch.
January 11 Nautilus Museum/ Lunch is on your own / The color is Stripes
Must register by January 10, 2017, 2:30pm. No payment required for this trip, but you must bring money for your lunch.
January 18 Grasso Tech Cosmetology / Lunch: $7.75 per person/ The color is Blue
Must register by January 17, 2017, 2:30pm. You must bring money for salon services and your lunch.
January 25 Drunken Palette/ Lunch is on your own / The cost is $23.00 per person/ The color is Orange