Summer Sounds Concert Series
At the Lymes’ Senior Center Every Thursday in July at 7:00pm
July 6th at 7:00pm- Eight to the Bar * Platinum Sponsor- Lymes’ Senior Center * Silver Sponsor- All Pro Automotive * Ice Cream Sponsor- Old Lyme Democratic Town Committee
July 13th at 7:00pm- The Cartells *Platinum Sponsor & Ice Cream Sponsor-Friends of the Lymes’ Senior Center * The LOL Lions Club will also be here before this concert at 6:00pm selling hot dogs, hamburgers, and other dinner foods.
July 20th at 7:00pm- The Boogie Boys playing music of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s *Platinum Sponsor-The Saybrook at Haddam Retirement Community * Ice Cream Sponsor- Atria Crossroads Place
July 27th at 7:00pm- String of Pearls *Platinum Sponsor- Lymes’ Senior Center * Ice Cream Sponsor- Old Lyme Republican Town Committee
Bring your lawn chair, blankets, picnic dinners etc. and enjoy a free night out with your family! If it rains we will hold the concerts inside. If you know any local businesses that would like to sponsor a concert, please have them call860-434-1605 ext. 240 for more information.