As we are under directives of the State of CT and Ledge Light Health District, we appreciate your patience while we work through the phases to reopen our center for all of you. At the time of this printing, the State of Connecticut is developing guidelines for the reopening of CT Senior Centers. This newsletter is coming out in Phase 2 of the reopening plan where persons 65 years and older and those with compromised immune systems are still under the STAY HOME – STAY SAFE order. CT Senior Centers will be one of the last areas to open because of the population we serve and because there currently is no treatment or vaccine for the Corona Virus. Currently, it looks like the state will not recommend senior centers open until after September 1.
Social isolation has a purpose though we know it is hard for you. Please contact the senior center staff so we can help you with ways to socialize online using computers, tablets or your smart phone and to stay busy.