This is old news but it bears repeating. We miss you all and hope that you have had some
enjoyment through the summer of 2020. The staff of the Senior Center are still out
delivering Meals on Wheels but we are anticipating our volunteer MOWs drivers to
return beginning in August. We will likely assist with this service as some of our drivers
are not comfortable returning at this time. If you need to contact us, you can always call
or email us. If we don’t answer immediately, we will be back to you by the next day.
We want to remind you all that our buses are running and offering limited transportation service. Our Diala-Ride service is also operational. If you have any questions, please call the Senior Center office.
We are looking at offering some classes outside while the weather is nice. We will contact participants who
were already enrolled in the programs that can go outside and see if we get enough people to make this a
worthwhile venture. But in the meantime, we really want to show you how to use Zoom. We’ve reached out to
a bunch of you and know many are not interested but it is not that hard and it may be a way to continue your
involvement with the Senior Center until things get back to normal. Let us help you with this. Give us a call.
In the meantime, we are looking at early September to resume some programming. We will be in touch with
you all once we determine which classes we will be offering. To that end, we have included a survey for you to
complete and return to us. Please take a minute to do so.