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In 2005, the 4th Sunday of September was declared World Rivers Day. This year that will be Sunday, Sept. 27th.
Help our community honor the Thames, Poquonnock, and Mystic Rivers: Tap into memories or light up your imagination and SUBMIT POEMS or PROSE of up to 150 words to Groton Senior Center, August 31 – September 4th.
Selected works will be chosen to be read aloud for a recorded segment on Groton Municipal Television or for online display. Pieces will also help promote a Parks & Recreation Dept. Family River Clean-Up on the day.
River Poetry is one of several activities highlighting the Town of Groton’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) – a series of catch basins and underground pipes which convey rainwater & snowmelt from streets to outlying areas to avert flooding. CT towns are issued a mandatory MS4 permit by the CT Department of Energy & Environmental Protection. Citizens can support clean rivers by keeping storm drains clear & free of pollution.
Questions? Contact Michelle at Groton Public Works, 860-448-4544 or
Visit this link from Mystic’s local independent bookstore, Bank Square Books, for a dedicated World Rivers Day booklist featuring poetry and river content