In November, Groton Senior Center staff started scavenger hunt programs in our community to help get our minds off the pandemic. The response has been fabulous! We started with the TURKEY CHASE scavenger hunt in November and with the weather being great we added a pop up NICE WEATHER CHALLENGE. Not only did people find the markers but they also improved their selfie skills! Seeing you all out and about in our wonderful community is great!
In December, our spirits were lifted with a large amount of homes participating in our HOLIDAY LIGHTS TOUR which was much needed this year. We are so thankful for all the homes that participated! We lost count of how many tour directions we gave out but we heard rave reviews of those who drove around admiring the decorated homes. We also had great participation with our PARKS ARE PRESENTS scavenger hunt! This program was created to get people actively out and about and to learn locations of parks and trails in Groton.
With such great response to these programs, Groton Senior Center staff will continue to do more of these in 2021. Next up is our SNOWMAN ROLL scavenger hunt to start 2021 off in a fun way. Please see the front cover for more details. You can also check us out on our centers Facebook page at
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