VIRTUAL STRONG AND FIT AT ANY AGE FITNESS- Wednesday & Fridays at 1:30pm

Strong and Fit at Any Age Fitness is a progressive strength training exercise program designed to increase strength, flexibility, range of motion, mobility, gait, and balance. Light weights, resistance bands and a small ball are used to help increase and maintain daily movement functions.  Exercises are performed seated in chairs (optional standing) in a group setting class. Classes meet once(twice) a week for 60 min.

  • DAY: Wednesdays, 10 weeks
  • TIME: 1:30 – 2:30
  • BEGINS: July 7
  • FEE: $50


  • DAY: Fridays, 10 weeks
  • TIME: 1:30 – 2:30
  • BEGINS: July 9
  • FEE: $50
  • INSTRUCTOR: Robin Loy