Many older adults find themselves in
situations where they lose weight without wanting to. This can be due to a
serious illness or hospitalization or physical limitations or other reasons. Focus on
quality nutritious foods from all food groups so that the weight gained will make
you healthier and stronger. Try eating 5-6 smaller meals, top foods with some
nutritious higher calorie items like shredded cheese or peanut butter. Prepare
hot cereal with milk, especially whole milk, and add powdered milk, honey, dried
fruit/jams and nuts/ nut butter- Pump up the calories in salads, soups and
casseroles by adding a little extra olive oil. Commercially prepared supplements
can help with weight gain, but they are expensive – you can get the same (if not
better) nutrition by drinking a glass of milk and/or following the tips above.
Consider using programs like Home Delivered Meals to ensure balanced healthy
meals are a part of each day.