Indoor Potluck Picnic

Mark your calendars for Thursday, June 20th at 11:30 a.m. for our indoor pot-luck picnic, rain or shine, at the senior center. The senior center will furnish the hot dogs and buns and all guests are requested to sign-up for a dish to share. The senior center is airconditioned and bug free! A sign-up sheet is available at the center or you may call the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 ext.6 leaving your name, telephone number, number of persons attending and the dish(s) you plan to bring to the picnic. We have ample refrigerator space, places to keep things warm, airconditioned rooms and indoor plumbing! We’ll have games and prizes too. It’s also silly hat day, so dig out your fanciest chapeau and wear it to our picnic. Limited seating is available so sign-up early. Cut-off date to register is Thursday, June 13th at 4:00 p.m.