Time To Renew Membership!

Rose City Senior Center Membership ~ It’s Time to Renew!

Yearly Membership runs from July 1st – June 30th

Norwich Residents: Suggested $25.00 per year     Out-of-Town Membership: $40.00 per year 

Membership renewal is due now, regardless of when you originally signed up.

  1. You need to be a registered and up-to-date Member to take part in activities, classes or events and to utilize services we offer including transportation, hairdresser and Massage Therapy.
  2. Please fill out a Membership Application to update your renewal information. It is important for us to have your correct address, phone number, emergency contact, etc.
  3. Please use your SCAN CARD every time you visit the Senior Center. The statistics are vital for us to maintain what we offer by showing usage of our classes, programs and services.  If you don’t have a Scan Card or you are not sure how to use it, please stop by Reception for help.

Membership Applications can be picked up at the Reception Desk.

Thank you for supporting Rose City Senior Center.