A Note From Hilary:

Hello everyone,

I know this may be a difficult time for some of you as social distancing and staying at home as much as possible have become the “new normal” for many of us, albeit temporary.  For now, we must all do our part to help slow the spread of COVID-19 while trying to stay healthy and helping others around us maintain their health as well.  With that being said, staying home and social distancing can sometimes become a difficult time for a lot of people, especially those that live alone.

I want to remind you that we at the Senior Center are still here for you.  If you need any assistance please call us.  Whether it is help with grocery shopping, a ride to your needed doctor appointment or simply because you are lonely and want to reach out to say “hi”.  Don’t hesitate to call.

Although I am currently working from home, you can also contact me as well.  You can call the Senior Center and leave a message on my voicemail or email me at hsandberg@cityofnorwich.org

I hope the time will soon come where we can once again open our doors and welcome you back to the Senior Center, but until then, stay safe, stay strong and remember that we are all in this together.

Take care,

Hilary Sandberg, Program Administrator