Just a Reminder: “Improve Your Sketching Skills” Art Class will be held on Tuesdays, September 19th and 26th, 10 – 12PM– Taught by Jeanette Green; If you want to learn how to draw or how to improve your sketching skills, this class is for you. We will cover several different methods to help you draw what you see and improve your accuracy. In the first session, students will quickly sketch a stillͲlife subject. In part 2 of this session students will sketch the same subject but instead focus on the “negative” space around their subject to “see” their subject better. In the second session, the class will model line and value drawings of stillͲlife objects. The instructor will demonstrate how to plan out the composition. Students will learn how to draw accurate cups, vases, bowls, and bottles using the ellipse method. We will also practice creating depth with contour lines and how to do size/angle comparisons and finally light and shade modeling. Cost for the 2 week session is $20
for members. Limited Seat Capacity; Call (860)434Ͳ4127 to register. Payment due in advance. Supply List given upon sign up.
Trip: Davenport Restaurant in East Providence RI
Friday, September 15th
Bus leaves at 10:30am
$8 for the bus, pay on your own
Trip: The Big E
September 20th at 11:00am
CT Day
Stay for the parade!
$35 for bus and ticket
Sign up at Senior Center Monday and Wednesday
AARP Driver Safety Course
Friday, September 22nd from 9:30am-2:00pm
$20 for AARP members and $25 for non-members
Special Fitness Class
Monday, September 18th at 1:00pm
Focusing on fall prevention exercises and education
Free Chair Massage
September 19th from 10:00am-12:00pm
Free massage with licensed massage therapists Donna and Juliette.
Call 860-376-2329 or stop by to sign up for your own 15 minute session
*only those who did not receive a massage last month are able to sign up through September 8th, them registration opens to all
Trip Presentation Sept 7 at 4 pm
We have two awesome trips in 2024 that we want to tell you about Sept. 7th Thursday at 4 pm – please let us know if you are coming!! 860-441-6785
Aug 22– 29, 2024 https://gateway.gocollette.com/link/1171300
Badlands National Park, Custer State Park, Crazy Horse Memorial, Mt. Rushmore, Deadwood Buffalo Bill Center of the West, Yellowstone National Park, Jackson Hole, Grand Teton National Park Double $4,029pp / Single $5,029pp /Triple $3,799pp if booked before Feb. 22, 2024
Sep 30- Oct 9, 2024 https://gateway.gocollette.com/link/1171302
London & Paris WWII-Focused City Tours, Portsmouth, The D-Day Story Museum, English Channel Crossing, Juno Beach, Caen Peace Memorial Museum, Arromanche-les-Baines, Longues-sur-Mer, Apple Cider Farm Visit, Normandy American Cemetery, Omaha Beach, Pointe du Hoc, Airborne Museum, Utah Beach, Giverny Gardens, Seine River Dinner Cruise. Double $4,829pp / Single $5,829pp if booked before Feb. 1, 2024
Scams Information
It seems that there is no end to the volume of calls and internet contacts we
are bombarded with. Unemployment benefits are taking the forefront now. The
way it works is that you receive a letter stating that you are approved for
unemployment benefits; a check may arrive and it looks legitimate BUT, you have never applied for or are eligible for unemployment. Red Flag! Don’t deposit the check!
Phone calls from individuals attempting to “update your Medicare Card” is
another problem. The caller is requesting personal information, lots of
information which you should not divulge! Medicare does not call you at random! Hang up!
Be wary of a call from your bank asking for your assistance in apprehending
a bank employee that they believe is embezzling funds. They ask you to use your
cellphone and to stay on the line with them; drive to your bank immediately and
withdraw cash. They ask what type of vehicle you will be driving and stay in
contact with you for the entire time you are driving to your banking institution.
They tell you to go into the bank and make a huge withdrawal. You are advised
not to speak with any bank employee about your involvement in catching the
employee in question and told to bring the funds to a waiting vehicle outside of
the bank. Money gone!!! You were just taken for your life savings and become the latest victim of a scam.
EOB? Do you look over your Explanation of Benefits from Medicare? It has
been reported that some individuals who have ordered one COVID-19 test kit was being charged for THREE. (And at a ridiculously high cost). When contacting Medicare, the individual was instructed to contact the Medicare Fraud Line! Be vigilant!
The perpetrators are always coming up with new gimmicks and ways of
convincing trusting, unsuspecting individuals that you need to put your trust in
them and not question the validity of what they are saying. It’s not wrong to hang up the telephone on someone either.
TUESDAY, Sept 5 at 2 pm we have Michelle Dempsey here talking CT HOME CARE PROGRAM FOR ELDERS / TITLE 19 TALK
Please join us for a professional and very informative presentation with Michelle N. Dempsey, Title 19 Specialist. She will be discussing the different levels of the CT Home Care Program for Elders and what is needed for an application. She has almost 20 years of experience in the Medicaid field and have had my own business Title 19 Specialist for 11 years.
Please let us know that you are coming! 860-441-6785
September TVCCA Menu
September 11th: Beef Hot Dog w/Bun, Baked Beans, Mixed Vegetables Medley, Tropical Fruit Cup, and beverage.
September 18th: Pub Burger w/Bun, Baked Beans, Zucchini, Peas & Carrots,
Mandarin Oranges, Bread, Margarine and beverage.
September 25th: Crispy Cod, Macaroni & Cheese, Zucchini, Peas & Carrots, Mixed Fruit Cup, Bread, Margarine and beverage.
As a reminder, the meal count is called into the Commissary each Tuesday
for the upcoming Monday meal. You can register for your meal in person at the
senior center or contact the Senior Affairs Office by calling 860-887-5581 ext. 6.
There is a suggested donation of $3.00 per person for the meal. You do not need
to be a Preston resident to participate, all persons 60 years of age and older are
welcome. Persons younger than 60 years are charged a fee to participate.
On Monday, September 18th at 11:15, we will have a health talk presented
by Andrea Deedy. The topic will be Eating Healthy on a Budget.