Senior Farmers Market Vouchers Pick-up

Monday, August 7th at 11:00am


This Department of Agriculture program supports local farmers and provides fresh produce to low-income seniors in Connecticut. Benefits are used to purchase fruits, vegetables, fresh cut herbs and honey from certified CT Grown Farms at designated Farmer Markets or farm stands July through October.

You must register in advance.

If you cannot come in person, you can send a proxy. But registration is still required. Call for details.

The Language of America’s Irish Ancestors

Wednesday, August 30th at 1:00pm


Objective: Share some knowledge about the native language of Ireland

Topics: Irish Gaelic – Gaeilge – in the family of Celtic languages – History of Gaeilge – Who speaks Irish now, and where – What makes Gaeilge different from other languages – Gaelic words/phrases integrated into the English language – “Teach” some basic phrases – Wrap up with questions.

Special dessert will be served to celebrate the Irish heritage.

​​​​​​​Registration begins Aug 1st. Register by Aug 25th. $2.00 pp

Lunch & Learn: Brookside Museum

Wednesday, August 16th at 12:30pm


The Brookside Farm Museum, formerly known as the Smith-Harris House will
reintroduce this historic site to you in an informal and interactive presentation.
They will provide a background of the historic site and discuss its importance in the community of East Lyme. Archives will be presented. As a community stakeholder, she will ask for your thoughts on how Brookside Farm Museum should evolve. For those who wish to join, there will be a tour of the Brookside Farm Museum immediately following the presentation.

Registration begins Aug 1st. Register by Aug 11th. $2.00 pp

Memorial Garden Ceremony

Our annual brick dedication will be held on Tuesday, August 22nd at 1 PM with a rain date being August 23rd. All are welcome to attend. Please call to register. Refreshments will be served. Honored in this year’s dedication will be Martha Ames, Justin Bogucki, Donna Burke, Ethel Chatkin, Janet Funke, Annie Griffith (B), Gerry Jacobson, Marion D. King, Beryl Lake, Altabella Pflomm, Mary Stanton, and Maggie Taylor.


Please be sure to sign up if you are interested in coming next Tuesday July 25th  230-5 pm for our very knowledgeable ADVANCE PLANNING PANEL PRESENTATION  It is FREE but We need to know how many to expect

  • The importance of Advance Planning for you and your loved ones.
  • What should you be planning? How soon should you start planning?
  • Why are funeral homes important? What services are available?
  • What are the latest trends in advance planning? is eco-friendly?  economical?
  • Legal matters in CT- LIVING WILL – will it hold up locally?
  • Needing a LIVING WILL – how to get one established
  • Myths about CT Living Wills
  • Establishing TRUSTS in relation to Probate Court
  • Difference between Power of Attorney and Conservator
  • How often should I update? Why should I update?
  • What is changing in CT that one needs to know about when planning?


Ice Cream Social

On Wednesday, August 16th at 12:30 PM– Come celebrate summer by enjoying an ice cream social with us! FREE for members! Please call to register!