Beginners Course on Freshwater Fly-Tying

Learn the art of creating freshwater fly fishing ties! Taught by Mark Lewchik, participants will attend a 3-week session (2 sessions available) to learn the art of freshwater fly-tying.
If you have your own vice, please let us now when you sign up as seat capacity is limited based on the amount of vices we have to share. Session price is FREE for members, $25 for non-members.
Session 2 (July) – Thursdays, July 6th, July 13th, and July 20th at 3:00 PM.

Perspective Drawing

Perspective Drawing on Tuesdays, July 11th & 18th; 10 AM-12PM. will be taught by Jeanette Green. Learn how to create realistic space in your drawings or paintings by using perspective. We will practice the basics in the first class by implementing one-point and two-point perspective. In the second week, students will draw a corner of a room, detailed with furniture, rugs, framed art and other details. Even if you only paint landscapes, you can benefit from this class. $20 for members for the 2-week session. Limited Seat Capacity; Call (860)434-4127 to
register. Payment due in advance.

Wii Bowling

Fridays 9:00-11:00am


Leagues start on July 12th. If you would like to join a league please sign up. Morning 9-11 or Afternoon 12:30-2:30. If you sign up for a league you must commit to being available each week for 8 weeks.

Gardening Club

Thursdays at 1:00pm

Walking Club

Every Wednesday at 10:00am

at Hopeville State Park

Book Club

First Monday of the month at 10:00am

Footcare Clinic

Wednesday, July 26th 


with Dr. Thomas H. Walter

You must call to schedule an appointment

Paint Pouring Class

Thursday, July 13th or July 27th


Make your own candle holder. Classes are limited to 12 per class. A fee of  $3.00 for cost of materials.  Please sign up!