Universal Screening Day with Hartford Healthcare

Thursday, June 1st


No appointment needed!

  • AIc and Blood Pressure screening
  • Nutrition counseling
  • Cancer education
  • Podiatry
  • Mental Health screening
  • Balance Screening

McLews Breakfast

Friday, June 16th at 8:40am


Let us gather for breakfast! Enjoy a hot breakfast while socializing
with other great people. Plus, door prizes! Mmm mmm — Waffles, Bacon, Scrambled Eggs , Fruit Cup, Pastry, Orange Juice, Coffee.

Cost is $12 per person
Register by Tuesday, June 5th

Groton Outdoor Market & Car Show

Saturday, June 10th from 12:00-5:00pm



  • crafts & antiques
  • food & baked goods
  • book sale
  • children’s events

**The Classic Car Cruise & Music will be occurring in the Thrive55 lot from 2:00-5:00pm**


Thrive55 is seeking artists, crafters, and vendors!

Registration fee is $25.00


Contact Information:

Groton Public Library- Kim at kbalentine@groton-ct.gov

Thrive55- Tomi at tstanley@groton-ct.gov

Dining Out Program at Sneekers

Tuesday, June 6th from 4:00-6:00pm


Dining Out is our way of giving back to the community that gives to us. An evening outing of dining, socializing, and enjoyment! Each month one special restaurant will be featured. Our van will pick you up or you can meet us
there. Each person pays their own tab. Order a full entrée or just appetizers.

Registration required.

Club 55 June Meeting

Tuesday, June 13th 

Board Meeting at 10am

General Meeting at 12:30pm

“Just Picked” Cooking Class

Weekly Class from Tuesday, June 13th until Tuesday, September 5th


Join us “in the kitchen” as Thrive 55+ partners with the Eastern Connecticut Community Gardens Association and the Thames Valley Sustainable Connections Fund to offer free weekly workshops that will focus on uncomplicated preparations to accentuate the superior flavor of fresh, locally grown produce. We have three local chefs who will teach you while they
prepare samples of their favorite recipes incorporating seasonal produce for you to taste.

Enrollment limited. Must register