Meet and Greet

Old Lyme Social Service Coordinator Meet and Greet– 11:45am– 12:45pm on Wednesday,
May 17th. Come meet our new Social Service Coordinator Amy Bonatti here at the senior center.

Walk Wednesdays with Wendy

Upcoming Take a Walk Wednesdays with Wendy —Free for members, $5.00 for non-members
The walks are moderately easy unless noted. Mileage is approximate. Bring a water bottle, and dress for the weather, bug spray is suggested. Reservations are required. Inclement weather cancels.
• May 10 – Hartman Park, Gungy Rd. Lyme CT. Meet at the Main Entrance parking lot. The unique natural, historic and archeological features in Hartman Park make it a delight to explore. We will look for spring wildflowers. 2.5 miles. The parking lot is about 1.5 miles north of the intersection with Beaver Brook Rd.

• June 14 – Selden Creek Preserve, Lyme – Meet at Selden Preserve parking lot on Joshuatown Rd. 2+ mile hike to beautiful vistas of Selden Creek and surrounding marshlands. The parking lot is about 4 miles from the intersection of Rte 156 and Joshuatown Rd.

• July 12 – Rocky Neck Beach. Rte 156, Niantic, CT. Meet at the parking lot on Rte i56 across from the KOA Campground, 271 Main St (Rte 156), about 0.5 mile east of the intersection with Four Mile River Rd. A beautiful walk along the salt marshes to the beach on Long Island Sound. Bring binoculars if you have them. 2.5 miles

• August 9 – Watch Rock Preserve. Joel Road, Old Lyme. Meet at the parking lot. Walk along rocky outcroppings on the water with beautiful views of the salt marshes. Bring your binoculars. We will take our time. A fairly easy 1 mile. Take road off Rte 156 across from McCurdy Rd. Take a right and then another right. Go straight to the parking lot.



Tuesday  May 23   5:30 pm  with Nishant Sahoo, CFP®, CRPC™, CPFA® Wealth Management Advisor | Vice President Devoe/Schrage/Sahoo & Associates of Merrill Lynch Wealth Management. Review of the road map to retirement and the top IRA planning mistakes to avoid.

No fee yet please sign up at our front desk or by calling 860-441-6785.  We need to know how many to expect.  


May 2023  Wednesdays 5:00-6:00 pm

Please join us here for virtual program on BASICS OF PHOTOGRAPHY FOR BEGINNERS

Each session is free and is provided by Workforce Opportunity Services.

This experience is designed to stimulate creativity.  We gather weekly here at THRIVE 55+ to enjoy these sessions virtually.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023: Why We Make Photographs – There are many different genres of photography, such as portrait, landscape, wildlife, sports, news, and fashion among others. Each of these requires different techniques and offers its own unique challenges. It is important to learn the proper use of light and composition to create visually appealing and meaningful images.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023: Settings and Options – How to control light with your camera. The exposure triangle is a fundamental concept in photography referring to Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO. What are they, when should you use them, and how?

Wednesday, May 17, 2023: Getting to Know Your Camera – Get to know your tools. With advances in technology, types of cameras have changed. We will get to know the different types of lenses and what they can do.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023: You’ve Taken a Great Photo, Now What? – Learn about moving your photos off your camera and editing them. Get a glimpse into histograms and why they are important tools in photography. A good photograph can speak volumes and have a powerful impact.

 REGISTRATION REQUIRED by Monday before.  860-441-6785 


Christmas on the Danube trip December 2023

The seat reduction date is quickly approaching on May 4 . Once seat reduction date has passed,  space will be available on a first come, first serve basis. If you are interested in booking or looking for more information please call 860-441-6623 or email



Stretching your Food Dollars talk Monday May 22

Tired of rising prices at the supermarket ? Tired of getting less for more money?  Get more bang for your food money with: 

  • Shopping tips
  • Cooking tips
  • Healthy eating tips

Join Registered Dietitian Deb Downes for an informative and free talk, tips, recipes, and samples on  Monday, May 22 at 1 pm.  Please register by May 18, 2023 

Safety in the home and Fall Presentation

A presentation on Safety in the home and Fall Prevention will be given by  Lower Valley Care Advocates on Wednesday, May 10th at 1pm.   Join us for this presentation. Donuts and coffee will be provided.

Income Planning: Safe Money Alternatives

Come join Sweitzer Income Planning’s founder, Ken Sweitzer, on Tuesday May 9th at 1:00. He will present “Safe Money Alternatives” in today’s volatile markets. Come with questions and learn as we discuss fact vs fiction about annuities, how to build a foundation of lifetime income, and strategies.