Now on Wednesdays from 10:30-11:30am
Foot Care Clinic with Dr. Walter
Wednesday, April 12th
You must call to schedule an appointment
Mind Aerobics
Wednesday, April 12th & 26th at 1:00pm
Sharpen your memory!
United Way Food Distribution
Thursday, April 13th from 4:00-5:30pm
at Griswold High School
Please do not arrive prior to 3:30pm
Veterans Coffee House
Every Tuesday
Doors open at 8:30am / Meeting from 9:00-11:00am
All veterans from all services!
April 4th– Lantern Electric-Home winter weather preparedness
April 11th- Open meeting
April 18th- Navy Federal Credit Union
April 25th- AARP- Fraud and Scam Awareness
Senior Center Transportation
Senior center Transportation is free with a 24-hour notice. First come, First serve.
- Medical Transports – 9:00 am thru 12:00 pm
- Tuesday Afternoon—Better Val U and Aldi Shopping Days
- Thursday Afternoons – Walmart Shopping at 1:00 pm
Trip: RiverQuest Osprey & Eagle Cruise
Wednesday, April 26th from 8:30am-2:00pm
Take a leisurely cruise on the Connecticut River where you will see Osprey, Eagles and other wildlife. Spring is a busy nesting time. This narrated cruise will tell you about the local wildlife you will see.
Cost is $45.00 per person
Community Clean-up Day
All residents of the TOWN OF GRISWOLD/Borough of Jewett City are invited to help clean-up yards and streets in our community. On April 22nd, the transfer station will be open 7:00 am to 1:00 pm. There will be no fee. Get your friends, family or group together to help a neighbor/senior clean their yard. Adopt-A-Road with your friends or neighbors. To adopt a road contact Tina at 860-884-5876 .
Drug Take Back Day
Saturday, April 29th from 10:00am-2:00pm
At Griswold Town Hall
Do you need to get rid of those old and unwanted prescriptions? Now is the time to clean out your medicine cabinets to discard old and unused medication. Call the Senior Centerif you need help with disposal.
Fall Prevention Presentation with Day Kimball Healthcare
Wednesday, April 19th from 1:00-2:00pm
Come learn about risk factors for a fall.
Ice Cream Social after event.