August BBQ

Friday, August 16th at 1:00pm


Cost: $8.00 donation

Menu: Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, and Salad!

Come join us for part 3 of our ANNUAL SUMERTIME BBQ! Join us for an afternoon of great food & entertainment with GREAT people!

Sign up on the bulletin board at the senior center or call
Ruthie at (860)848-0422! We hope to see you there!

Club 55 Meeting

Tuesday, August 13th at 12:30pm


Please join us at monthly meetings to hear more about our Club 55 events.
We meet the second Tuesday monthly at 12:30pm. We welcome all!

Celebration of Summer Dinner Dance

Friday, August 23rd from 5:00-7:00pm


Dinner by Coastal Cafe — Spiral ham, crab cakes, twice baked potato, corn, broccoli medley, apple dumpling, punch, and coffee/tea


Music with DJ Gabe

this is an indoor event


$20 per person – $15 per Club 55 member

Register by the 16th. Late fee of $5.00

McLews Breakfast

Friday, August 9th at 8:45am


Let’s gather for breakfast! Enjoy a hot breakfast while socializing with
great people. Mmm: Breakfast: Sausage gravy over biscuit, scrambled eggs, fruit cup, pastry, apple juice, coffee.

Cost is $12pp. Register by August 6th
Late fee $3.00 if space is available

September trip to Red Sox vs Mets game!


We travel in with Joshua Worldwide (Limousine) to the baseball game. Since we will be in a stadium parking lot we won’t have to walk blocks to the stadium. Cost is $103 resident/113 nonresident. Open to 12 and older (under 18 needs an adult) Please call or see insert for details.

Trip: Newport Playhouse “Nunsense: The Musical”

Thursday, August 15th 

Departing at 9:45am


Buffet 11:30am, Curtain 1:00pm & Cabaret always follows the play of “Nunsense: A Musical!”-a hilarious spoof about the misadventures of five nuns trying to manage a fundraiser. Enjoy a great buffet-a wonderful play-a fun-filled cabaret! We do the driving on one of our own buses departing approx. 9:45 am COST: $75 resident/$85 non resident/includes transportation, driver, admissions, refreshments/meals.

Dining Out Program at The Spot

Tuesday, August 13th 


Dining Out is our way of giving back to the community that gives to us. An evening outing of dining, socializing, and enjoyment! Each month one special restaurant will be featured. Our van will pick you up or you can meet us there. Each person pays their own tab. Order a full entrée or just appetizers.

Registration required.