** Scam Alert **

Staff and clients have begun reporting messages appearing to be from DSS
regarding their EBT card and Renewal. These messages are scams, individuals
should not call back the number listed on the text message. DSS has not yet
started texting clients regarding renewals.

It asks for the caller to enter their card number and PIN in an attempt to
steal their benefits.

Messages from DSS will only be sent from the BC (Benefits Center) Number,
which is 1-855-626-6632 and will only direct individuals to www.mydss.ct.gov, and will contain the first name and the last 4 digits of the client id.

If the individual called the telephone number back and/or provided someone with their card number/PIN via telephone, they should immediately call and change their EBT PIN by calling the EBT phone line: 1-888-328-2666.

In addition, the individual should check their EBT balance either through that
number or online at www.mydss.ct.gov. If it appears that they have stolen your
benefits, you should contact your local police department.

** Scam Alert **



There has been a scam that has targeted the population which claims to be a representative of law enforcement or the States Attorney’s office. These scammers are stating they have a member of your family (son/daughter/grandchildren) in custody (under arrest) for some sort of serious car crash. They will try and convince you to pay them some sort of “bond” to release your family member. They do this either over the phone (using gift cards) or to a courier. These fees are somewhere between $10,000.00-$20,000.00. These scammers will try to convince you to not to bother calling your family member as they have “seized” their cell phone. The couriers that are being sent to pick up the money are from ride sharing/taxicab service applications (such as Uber) and aren’t necessarily part of the scam.


If you receive this scam call please hang up and if you are worried the call might be real call the CT State Police Troop E Barracks at 860-848-6500. If you call us the desk Trooper or Dispatcher will tell you over the phone if you are being scammed or not.

If you feel you may have fallen victim to this scam call the Troop E Barracks as soon as you realize it. The sooner we know the better.

February TVCCA Cafe Menu

To make a reservation for lunch, contact the Senior Center office by 12pm the day prior by either calling at 860-739-5859 or stopping by. Lunch is served at 11:45am. Suggested donation $3pp.

Sloppy Joe w/Bun, Herb Roasted Potatoes, Mixed Vegetables Medley, Pineapple Tidbits

Birthday Celebration

Beef Stew, Steamed Parsley Potatoes, Broccoli, Birthday Treat, Orange Juice

Stuffed Shells/Marinara, Carrot Coins, Waxed Beans, Applesauce Cup

Cuban Pulled Pork, Spanish Rice, Cauliflower, Carrots & Snap Peas, Tropical Fruit Cup

Whole Grain Fish Sticks, Tater Tots, Broccoli, Peppers & Mushrooms, Diced Pears

Chicken Parmesan, Pasta Shells w/Marinara, Zucchini & Yellow Squash, Fresh Fruit

Pork Sausage & Gravy, Home Fries, Broccoli, Diced Peaches

Cheese Omelet, Home Fries, Squash Mix w/Carrots & String Beans, Pineapple Tidbits


1% milk and whole grain bread are served with each meal.

Over The Hill Hiking Group: February Hikes

Hikers from other towns are welcome to participate.

Medium hikes may have a few hills, rocks or beach sand. The difficult hike is more strenuous; participants must have completed two medium hikes with the group before enrolling into a difficult hike.

All hikes are approximately three to four miles long, and will begin at 9:30 A.M.
Hikers who wish to carpool should meet at East Lyme Senior Center at 9:00 A.M.

Distances, locations and leaders are subject to change, if necessary.

All hikers must register for each hike by calling the East Lyme Senior Center – 860-739-5859.

Hikers are to bring water and sturdy shoes; and lunch, insect repellant and sunscreen if desired


February Hikes:

February 3 – Pequot Woods Park, Mystic
February 10 – Stenger Farm Park, Waterford
Cindy & Heidi
February 17 – Johnston Preserve, Lyme
Susan & Heidi
February 24 – Airline Trail/Comstock Bridge, Colchester

ROMEO Club at Longhorn Steakhouse

Wednesday, February 22nd at 11:30am 


So, what is the ROMEO Club? (Retired Old Men Eating Out)
They eat out, have fun, make and keep friends. Men Only!

Trip fee is $5pp (transportation only),

Trip: La Llorona in Niantic

Wednesday, February 8th

Departing 11:00am, Returning 3:00pm


Lunch right here in town!

Trip fee is $5pp (transportation only).
Open to Non-Residents if there is availability. Non-residents will be charged a $1.00 surcharge.

Senior Center Fun Trips use a bus from the Center for transport to and from destination. # of seats very limited.

AARP Mature Driver Safety Class

Wednesday, March 1st from 9:15am-1:15pm

$20 for AARP member  –  $25 for non-AARP member
Register with the Senior Center office. Payment due upon registration


The AARP Smart Driver course is the nation’s first refresher course specifically designed for drivers age 50 and older. In many states, drivers may benefit from a discount on their auto insurance premium upon completing the course. Contact your insurance company to find out. And you will learn something new along the way. In fact, an evaluation of the course found that 97% of participants changed at least one driving habit as a result of what they learned.

Pickleball Lessons

Fridays – 4 Weeks Sessions – $60 per person

9:45am – 11am – Beginner Lessons
11am – 12pm – Advance Beginner/Intermediate

Contact the Senior Center for additional details


Lesson Dates:
• February 10 – March 3
• March 17 – April 14
• April 28 – May 19
• June 2 – 23

Dying Matters Presentation

Wednesday, March 1st from 2:00-3:00pm


Join end of life planner/death doula Rachel Baer to find out why it is important to discuss & plan for the very taboo subject of death & dying. Learn the role of a death doula & how they can help navigate death by planning ahead, supporting the dying person & their loved ones during the transition & helping you to leave a legacy for your family. While an end-of-life planner does not provide medical care, they can give emotional, physical & spiritual support, care giver respite as well as helping you write letters and/or your story to leave for your family.

Registration begins Feb 1st. Register by Feb 23rd.

Smith Acres Terrarium Workshop

February 21st at 9:30am


We will be planting in a “fishbowl” shaped container. Folks can chose from a selection of little plants that we will bring along. We will have plants available for high and low light growing conditions. After planting, we will “decorate” with either some moss or colorful gravel. We will also talk about the care
of terrariums, watering & fertilization. All supplies will be included, but if the participant has any special little treasures that they would like to incorporate into their terrarium to make it special, they should bring it along.

Registration begins Feb 1st. $15.00 per person. Space is limited.