Painting Class with Jacqui

Friday, February 10th at noon


Create a beautiful acrylic!

$20 – limit 12 people

Backup Bus Driver

We are looking for a backup bus driver for our trips

Must have a CDL and Passenger Endorsement

Call us at 860-376-2329

Blood Drive

Wednesday, February 1st from 10:00am-3:00pm


Sponsored by the Lisbon Centennial Lions Club

Please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit and enter: LSC to schedule an appointment.

Special Lunch: Souper Bowl

Tuesday, February 7th at 11:30am


Cream of Broccoli soup

$6 per person

Birthday Cake

Tuesday, February 14th at 12:00pm


For all February birthdays!

​​​​​​​Please call to sign up.

AARP Free Tax Assistance

Wednesday, February 8th


Our friends at Preston Senior Center have offered their AARP free tax assistance to us.

Please call Fran at 860-887-5542 x104 for information and to sign up

Fitness Classes Coming

We need your input!

  • What days and times?
  • What types of classes?

Call and let us know!


We have an instructor who is certified in yoga, Pilates, balance/mobility, and much more!