Blood Pressure Check

every Fri at 12:30pm.

Walk in – no need to register

VNASC Nurse Managed Foot Clinic

Thu, Jan 12th from 12:15pm to 3:45pm.

Routine foot care provided for a fee – $10pp.
Appointment required.
Payment due at time of service.
No diabetics please.

Hearing Clinic


Thu, Jan 5th from 11am to 1pm at the Senior Center.
45 minute appointments start at 11am.

Free hearing test, a hearing aid check, wax inspection, and listening demos.


Register with the Senior Center.

AARP Tax Aide

The AARP Tax-Aide program will return this year to provide free tax counseling and preparation for middle to low-Income taxpayers with special attention to those people aged 60 and over. To schedule your appointment and get the details about how the program will operate, call starting Jan 9th.


Appointments will be held on Mon and Fri mornings beginning Mon, Feb 6th and will end on Mon, Apr 10th

Lunch & Learn: Brian Dagle Foundation

Wednesday, January 18th at 12:30pm


Grief is personal and individual, and every person experiences its nuances differently. There are no rules, no timetables, and no linear progression. Some people feel better after a few weeks or months, and for others it may take years. This program will help you better understand your grief as you work toward the path of hope and healing.

$2pp. Registration begins Jan 3rd, Please register by Jan 13th.

New Year Brunch Celebration

Friday, January 13th at 12:00pm


Menu: Biscuits & Gravy Casserole, Fruit Salad, Cinnamon Roll, Orange Juice, Coffee, Tea


Registration begins Jan 3rd. Please register by Jan 10th.

Notary Public Services

Otis Library is now offering free notary service!

This service is by appointment only.

To make an appointment, contact Victoria


leave a message at (860) 889-2365 x110


Craft Class with Joyce

Fridays January 6th and January 20th at 10:00am


These easy, seasonal crafts are good for beginners but all members are welcome to join.

Class size is limited.  Sign up needed.

Sign up at Reception


Kitchen Volunteers Needed!

We are looking for volunteers to help in the Senior Center Kitchen in the morning.  You will work under the direction of the TVCCA Café Site Server.  You will assist in prepping TVCCA Meals on Wheels food bags along with assisting in our kitchen for the Senior Center lunch.

Lunch assistance may include preparing silverware and trays, help plate and serve food, cleaning up after lunch and running the dishwasher.  This position involves standing, bending, lifting, carrying, etc.  Help is needed weekdays from 9:30a.m.-12:30p.m.

Call Hilary if you have questions or are interested.  (860) 889-5960  


Coloring Club looking for new members!

Thursdays  1:00 p.m.

Our Coloring Club group is looking for more people to join them!

Adult coloring has been shown to help reduce stress and anxiety, boost mental clarity, exercise fine motor skills, improve focus and generate creativity.  Not only that, but you get to spend time with others in this fun group doing an easy, creative activity.

Now that Winter’s here, it’s a great time to start something new…indoors!  Not sure if it’s for you?  Stop by and give it a try.  You can bring your own coloring books and coloring supplies but we have extra that you can use to try it out.  Hope to see you there!