Join us on Wednesday, January 11th at 12:00pm for an exciting opportunity to eat lunch with
Uma (Age 16) and Omer (age 18), young Emissaries from Israel. To sign up for lunch you should call (860)388-1611 x 216 and tell them you wish to sign up for the Old Lyme site for November 8th. Lunch reservations can be made up until 11am on Nov.7th. At 12:30pm, Uma and Omer will be doing a interactive lecture on how Israel’s technological innovations are helping the world. If you prefer to only attend the lecture, please pre-register by calling (860)434– 4127.
Day trip to HOLIDAY FUN at Aqua Turf
Dec 5- 11 Week at Thrive55+
This week we have more for you:
Wednesday, Dec 7th at 3:30 pm is a very cool and unique opportunity (and free) for anyone to learn more about robotics with our buddies from the Teen program at Groton Public Library- ROBOTS and RETIREES. These teens have a great program are excited to share what they know- please join us! We need to have you sign up though so we can have enough supplies and prepare best. You can reply to this email to so.
Thursday, Dec 8th is for outdoor buddies who like to hike with me and local friends! This OATS hike time we are guided by GOSA at Avery Farm (Groton side). This hike is approx. 1 3/4 miles with Groton Open Space Association. Again, you can reply to this email, sign up at the front desk or call me to sign up for this hike.
Sunday, December 11th is our AFTERNOON TEA PARTY 1:00-3:00 pm Put on your Sunday best and join us for an afternoon of tea, treats and socialization. This is for all ages! Bring a friend! $15 per person/ $10 for 10 years and under
Club 55 HOLIDAY LUNCHEON Friday, December 16th
Be sure to sign up this week for the Club 55 HOLIDAY LUNCHEON Friday, December 16th Let us feast! Spinach and cheese stuffed pork chops, mashed potatoes, gravy, baked maple salmon, green bean casserole, asparagus, lemon meringue pie, biscuits, punch, coffee/tea.
Live Entertainment 12:00-1:00pm by Ledyard Carolers.
$15 Club 55 member / $20.00 non– member Register by Dec 12th Late fee of $5.00
Upcoming Lifelong Learning Lecture: The Roaring 20’s
Join us on Wednesday, January 4th at 1:00pm with the Bow Tie Historian, Jason Scappaticci. The decade that brought us jazz, flappers, and crossword puzzles also brought us gangsters, prohibition, and presidential scandals and tragedy. The average American does not know
how our modern society was affected by the great changes to America in the Roaring 20’s.
Friday, December 16th is the Grand Opening of the NEW Griswold Senior Center!
TVCCA Lunch Menu
Thursday, December 1st
Pork Sausage & Gravy
Tater Tots
Mixed Fruit Cup
Tuesday, December 6th
Braised Beef Tips
Herb Roasted Potatoes
Corn w/Peppers & Onions
Mixed Fruit Cup
Thursday, December 8th
Pork Taco “Bowl”
Roasted Garlic Rice
Mixed Vegetables Medley
Pineapple Tidbits
Tuesday, December 13th
Ethnic Celebration
Chicken Fajita w/Cheddar Cheese
& Whole Wheat Tortilla
Spanish Rice – Green Beans
Sweet Treat
Orange Juice
Thursday, December 15th
Stuffed Shells w/Marinara
Lima Beans – Diced Carrots
Mixed Fruit Cup
Tuesday. December 20th
Western Omelet
Sweet Potato Tater Tots
Peas & Pearl Onions
Fresh Orange
Thursday, December 22nd
Salisbury Steak w/Gravy
Pasta Shells w/Herbs
Cauliflower, Carrots, & Snap Peas
Tropical Fruit Cup
Tuesday, December 27th
Shrimp Stir-Fry
Steamed Rice
Asian Vegetable Blend
Mandarin Oranges
Thursday, December 29th
Beef Chili Loaded Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans
Corn w/Peppers & Onions
Sweet Treat
Grape Juice
The New London Social Security office has relocated to 6 Shaw’s Cove Park, Room 205, in New London.
Most Social Security services are available to the public online at if you create a my
Social Security account. In addition, you can call Social Security by dialing toll-free at 1-800-772-1213.
If you create an online account with Social Security, you can request a replacement card, you can start or
change your direct deposit, you can request a replacement SSA-1099, and print a current Benefit Verification
Letter. If you are not yet receiving benefits, you can a personalized Social Security Statement which provides
earnings information as well as estimates of future benefits Lastly, the portal includes a retirement calculator
and links to information about other online services.
December 2nd -Walden Preserve, Salem
Leader: Heidi
December 9th -Champlain North, Old Lyme
Leaders: Debbie & Barry
December 16th -Mamacoke, New London
Leader: Chuck
Hikers from other towns are welcome to participate.
Medium hikes may have a few hills, rocks or beach sand.
The difficult hike is more strenuous; participants must have completed two medium hikes with the group before enrolling into a difficult hike.
All hikes are approximately three to four miles long, and will begin at 9:30 A.M.
Hikers who wish to carpool should meet at East Lyme Senior Center at 9:00 A.M.
Distances, locations and leaders are subject to change, if necessary.
All hikers must register for each hike by calling the East Lyme Senior Center – 860-739-5859.
Hikers are to bring water and sturdy shoes; and lunch, insect repellant and sunscreen if desired.
Bus Trip: Romeo Club going to Bill’s Seafood in Westbrook on December 28th at 11:30am
***NEW CLUB***
Retired Old Men Eating Out
Wed, Dec 28th, 11:30am
Bill’s Seafood, Westbrook
(cash only no credit cards accepted)
So, what is the ROMEO Club?
(Retired Old Men Eating Out)
They eat out, have fun, make and keep friends. Men Only!
Trip fee is $5pp (transportation only),
Open to Non-Residents, if there is availability.
Senior Center Fun Trips use a bus from the Center for transport to and from destination. # of seats very limited.
Registration begins the 1st business day of the month starting at 8am. Call the office to register and then make your
payment by 4pm on the next business day.
You may only register yourself.
Registration begins Dec 1st.