DATE: Wednesday, February 15
TIME: 12:00
FEE: $7, RSVP to 860-464-0478
DATE: Wednesday, February 15
TIME: 12:00
FEE: $7, RSVP to 860-464-0478
Get in the holiday spirit with our cookie exchange! Bake two dozen cookies to bring and share at our cookie exchange. The result is that everyone only has to bake one kind of cookie, but goes home with dozens of different cookies!
DATE: Wednesday, December 21
TIME: 12:00 p.m.
FEE: Free, just bring two dozen cookies to share!
DATE: Wednesday, December 14
TIME: 12:00
FEE: $7, RSVP to 860-464-0478
Thursday, March 9
Come explore the only submarine museum operated by the US Navy, and see the world’s finest collection of submarine artifacts, followed by lunch-on-your-own at the Groton Townhouse.
FEE: $3, for transportation only
Register at or in the office
Tuesday, February 6th
The Katharine Hepburn Museum presents the cultural and historical impact of Miss Hepburn and her family. On display are numerous photographs from her life and career, her Emmy Award, personal letters, costume and wardrobe choices and two of her paintings. On our return, we will be stopping for lunch-on-your-own at a local restaurant.
FEE: $5, for transportation only
Register at or in the office
Thursday, January 12
Explore over forty unique shops in the open air village, all decorated for the winter. Enjoy lunch on-your-own in one of the many eateries.
FEE: $2, for transportation only
Register at or in the office
Enjoy lunch on-your-own in one of the oldest continuously operated inns in the country, dating back to 1776. The
inn will be decorated for the holidays and after lunch, enjoy some time strolling through the little shops in the
historic seaport village of Essex, CT.
FEE: $5, for transportation only
Register at or in the office
Will be available from 9:00am – 12:00pm at the Ledyard Senior Center on Monday, December 19, February 20, and April 24. To schedule your appointment time, or for any other inquiries, please call his office at 860-599-4555.
Full Hair Salon Services ranging from haircut, set and blow dry, color, foil, and perms are offered Tuesday and Thursdays at the Ledyard Senior Center. Call Amy at 860-367-2896 to schedule an appointment.
Join us for the Senior Center Book Discussions which are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 10:30 in the senior center library. The upcoming titles will be passed out at the monthly meetings, or you may pick up a copy at the Gales Ferry Library. New members are welcome!
Wednesday, December 28th : Ida B. by Katherine Hannigan-How can things go from righter than right to a million miles beyond wrong? Can Ida B put together a plan to get things back to just-about perfect again? Goodreads
Wednesday, January 25th: Peace Like a River by Leif Enger- In Enger’s superb debut effort, we witness a wondrous celebration of family, faith, and spirit, the likes of which we haven’t seen in a long, long time—and the birth of a classic work of literature. Goodreads
Wednesday, February 22nd: Still Life by Sarah Winman- Still Life is a sweeping portrait of unforgettable individuals who come together to make a family, and a deeply drawn celebration of beauty and love in all its forms. Amazon Review