Thursday, October 20th from 9:30-10:30am
Come and join us for a virtual trip to India! We will have an authentic India
breakfast cuisine while you travel on your guided tour
Thursday, October 20th from 9:30-10:30am
Come and join us for a virtual trip to India! We will have an authentic India
breakfast cuisine while you travel on your guided tour
Saturday, October 22nd from 12:00-2:00pm
At Senior Center Parking Lot
3rd Annual Fundraiser
Featuring live band “Don’t Tell Lisa”
Food Trucks, raffles, games, & more!
We will have collection areas set up to accept donations, sell t-shirts, sell raffle tickets. All funds go to our Montville Veterans Fund– 100% of funds are used to help local veterans in need.
Call for details
Monday, October 31st at 11:00am
Please join us for our annual Halloween Luncheon and Party and have some fun! Costumes optional—Why let all of the kids have the fun, wear a costume and win a prize! Always a great time! We will have a wonderful menu with delicious food, some great Halloween Games, and many friends to enjoy the afternoon with! Come and have some fun with us for an afternoon at the Center!
Please sign up on the bulletin board if you plan to attend.
Bus is available.
On November 2nd at 1:00pm., a lecture will be given by the Bow Tie Historian, Jason Scappaticci. Fondly remembered today by many who grew up in the tri-state area, the 1964/65 New York World’s Fair attracted 50 million visitors, and it wasn’t even an officially sanctioned world’s fair. This lecture is free for members ($10 each for non-members). Call to pre-register.
On Wednesday, November 2nd 10:00am– Camera Club Members choosing to exhibit in
December will bring in their pieces for advice on framing their pieces.
Menu is subject to change without notice.
To make a reservation for lunch, contact the Senior Center office by 12pm the day prior by either calling at 860-739-5859 or stopping by. Suggested donation $3 per person. Lunch is served at 11:45am
Pork Taco Bowl, Roaster Garlic Rice, Mixed Vegetable Medley, Pineapple Tidbits
Crispy Cod, Macaroni & Cheese, Broccoli, Mixed Fruit Cup
Stuffed Chicken w/Broccoli & Cheese, Lemon Parmesan Pasta, Green & Waxed Beans, Sweet Treat, Grape Juice
Shrimp Stir -Fry, Steamed Rice, Asian Vegetable Blend, Mandarin Oranges
Cheese Omelet, Home Fries, Squash Mix w/Carrots & String Beans, Tropical Fruit Cup
Salisbury Steak w/Gravy, Herb Roasted Potatoes, Corn w/Peppers & Onions, Pineapple Tidbits
Country Fried Beef Steak, Buttermilk Mashed Potatoes, Zucchini & Yellow Squash, Fresh Fruit
Pork Sausage & Gravy, Tater Tots, Broccoli, Diced Pears
1% milk and whole grain bread are
served with each meal.
Make sure your health care paperwork is all in one place so it can be easily found.
This should include:
contact information for all doctors and specialists you see,
all of your diagnoses,
list of your current medications,
details of your family history, and
date(s) of all upcoming medical appointments,
Oct 7th, Rocky Neck, Niantic
Leader: Carol
Oct 14th, Machimoodus, East Haddam*
Leader: Heidi & Suzanne
Oct 21 Avery Farm/Candlewood, Groton
Leader: Cindy
Oct 28th, Tri Town Trail, Preston
Leader: Debbie & Barry
Hikers from other towns are welcome to participate.
Medium hikes may have a few hills, rocks or beach sand. The difficult hike is more strenuous; participants must have completed two medium hikes.
All hikes are approximately three to four miles long, and will
begin at 9:30 A.M. *Senior Van – $5.00 fee limited occupancy. Hikers who wish to carpool should meet at East Lyme Senior Center at 9:00 A.M.
Distances, locations and leaders are subject to change,
if necessary.
All hikers must register for each hike by calling the East Lyme
Senior Center – 860-739-5859.
Hikers are to bring water and sturdy shoes; and lunch, insect
repellant and sunscreen if desired
Wednesday, October 26th at 11:30am
So, what is the ROMEO Club? (Retired Old Men Eating Out)
They eat out, have fun, make and keep friends. Men Only!
Trip fee is $5pp (transportation only),
Wednesday, October 12th
to Scotch Plains Tavern in Essex and Pumpkintown Village in East Hampton
Stroll through the village of over 30 Pumpkinheads and their pals in the Village. Scenes include a firehouse, saloon, church, bank, post office and more.
Departure time is 11am and expected return is 3:30pm
Trip Fee is $5pp (transportation only)
Pumpkintown Village is $6pp (village stroll)
$11 Total Due