ROMEO Club July Outing

Wednesday, July 24th at 11:00am
Costello’s Clam Shack, Noank

(11:30am at the Restaurant)

So, what is the ROMEO Club?
(Retired Old Men Eating Out)
They eat out, have fun, make and keep friends.

Men Only!

Trip fee is $5pp (transportation only).

Trip: Senior Resources Healthy Living Expo at Dodd Stadium

Wed, July 10th at 9:30am
Senior Resources Healthy Living Expo at Dodd Stadium
& lunch at Irene’s Family Restaurant

Open to Non-Residents if there is availability
Non-residents will be charged a $1.00 surcharge.
Senior Center Fun Trips use a bus from the Center
for transport to and from destination.
# of seats very limited.
Trip fee is $5pp (transportation only).

Nantucket & Martha’s Vineyard Overnight Trip

Island Hopping – Nantucket & Martha’s Vineyard, July 19th – 21st, 2024

A special fun filled weekend visiting Nantucket & Martha’s Vineyard. We will visit JFK Museum and have a guided tour of America’s most scenic little island with stops visiting the Old Mill, Sconset Village, Low Beach, Sankaty Head Lighthouse, Cranberry bogs and Nantucket moors. Trip fee is $759 pp double
occupancy. **Waitlist only**

Trip: Narragansett Lighthouse Cruise

Wednesday, Jul 24th – **Waitlist only**

We will begin our day with a wonderful brunch at the Quonest O’Club. We will then enjoy a 90 minute narrated cruise of Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. We will sail from North Kingston, RI with breathtaking sightseeing: 10 Famous Lighthouses, 10 Incredible Islands, sail under the Jamestown and Newport Bridges, view the Newport Naval Base & see the Aircraft Carries. We will end our day at the Olde Mistick Village. Minimal walking. Trip fee $139pp.

Sign Up for August Day Trip!

Wed, August 21st
Explore Block Island on your own!

If we get enough interest I can secure a group rate. Groups are based on 20 or more, the discount is 25% off the regular ticket price of $64.00, same day/round trip. Group Ticket Price approximately $50 (based on fuel surcharge) Depart New London at 8:30am and Depart Block Island at 5pm. Contact the office if interested.

Hearing Loss Information & Tips

Wednesday, July 25th at 10:00am

Janine Katomski, President of the Eastern Connecticut Hearing Loss
Association of America will be talking about: Hearing Loss and Information and
Tips. Topics discussed will include, but not limited to: the types of hearing loss,
solutions (hearing devices, apps, public and home) medical accessibility
and rights, financial aid resources and the ADA/legal rights of hearing impaired.

Registration begins July 1st. Please register by July 19th.

Stamp Out Stroke

Monday, July 22nd at 1:30pm


Stamp Out Stroke is a community outreach group affiliated with Yale New Haven
Hospital’s Stroke Center. The group is comprised of healthcare professionals and
students who volunteer with the goal to educate the New Haven and surrounding
community about stroke. We focus on stroke risk factors, recognizing warning signs, and the importance of receiving prompt care. We will provide an interactive presentation followed by a Q&A session at the end.

Registration begins July 1st. Please register by July 17th.

Free Diabetes Telephone Workshop

Free Diabetes Telephone Workshop

Learn about Diabetes & Pre-Diabetes:
• What to eat
• Low and high blood sugar
• Guidelines for when you’re sick
• Tips for dealing with stress
• How to set small and achievable goals

6 Weeks, Thursday from 1pm—2pm
July 11th—August 14th
To register, call 860-383-1538 or email Lori at

July Services


Thu, Jul 11th from 11am to 1pm
at the Senior Center. 20 minute appointments
start at 11am. Free hearing test, a hearing aid check,
wax inspection, and listening demos.
Register with the Senior Center.



Thu, July 11th from 12:15pm to 3:45pm.
Routine foot care provided for a fee – $10pp.
Appointment required. No diabetics please.
Payment due at time of service.


Haircuts by appointment
offered on Thu, July 25th
9:30AM – 1PM, Every 20 minutes.
Cost is $15 per person


Blood Pressure check every Fri
at 12:30pm. Walk in – no need to register

Parkinson’s Disease: Living with INTENT!

Thursdays, July 11th – September 19th, from 2pm – 3pm

Group class combining exercises for speech, memory, movement and music for people living with Parkinson’s disease. Participants will learn how using INTENT can improve overall health, wellness, and joy!

Class fee $180 per person, 9 Classes. Registration begins June 10th.

(no class 7/18, 8/8)