Zumba Gold- Mondays from 5:30 to 6:30pm

Must be 60+ to participate, please call the office during regular office hours to sign up! #860-848-0422. ZUMBA GOLD is  specifically designed for senior citizens. Zumba Gold is the lower impact, easy-to -follow, Latin-inspired dance fitness class that will help keep you healthy & happy while having lots of fun!

Hairdresser- Tuesdays and Fridays

Hair Dresser ClipartTime: 9:00am -2:00pm

HAIRDRESSER—Tuesdays & Fridays. Appointments
may be made by calling Michelle at 860-889-5960 on
Tues/Fri or at 860-889-4995 any other time.

Core Strength & Toning- Thursdays at 10:15 a.m.

Location: Program Room

​​​​​​​Core Strength & Toning exercise class combines flexibility, strength and toning exercises to improve your core strength, flexibility, mobility, balance, and range of motion.  This class is low impact and will incorporate the use of hand weights to help tone and strengthen.  Exercises are done both standing and using a chair.  Please consider joining this great new class!

Call Hilary if you have any questions. (860) 889-5960.


Healthy Stretching- Every Thursday from 3:00 – 4:00 PM

“As we age our muscles become shorter and lose their elasticity. Aging can affect the structure of our bones and muscles causing pain and decreased range of motion in the shoulders, spine, and hips. Stretching is an excellent way to help relieve pain, increase flexibility, and increase range of motion to enhance our everyday life. Class is for anyone seeking to achieve the many benefits of stretching.” Please wear comfortable clothing & sneakers to participate in class!

Zumba Gold- Thursdays at 9:00am

Location: Program Room
Zumba is a fun, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired dance fitness program which provides both cardio and muscle toning benefits.  It combines fun Latin moves from dances such as salsa, merengue, and cha-cha with an aerobic workout.  With Zumba Gold, the moves and pacing are modified to suit the needs of the active older participant, and those just starting their journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle! Hope you join us!  Beginners Welcome!

This class is open to Senior Center members only and there is no additional fee for the class.
Classes are open to members of the Rose City Senior Center only.  Not a member yet? Sign up today!  Please call for more information.  (860) 889-5960

Bingo- Friday at 1:00pm

Location: Dining Room

Call senior center for more information at 860-889-5960.

Cornhole  &  Ping Pong- Wednesdays from 1:00- 3:30pm

Bring a partner and enjoy a game of Ping Pong or Cornhole!  Pick one game to play or play some of each.  Cornhole can also be played alone if you just want to practice your bean bag toss.  Both are a great way to get a little exercise while having some fun doing so!  Give it a try!

Please call Hilary if you have questions. (860) 889-5960.


REIKI- Wednesdays, by appointment

New Programs starting…
Free Activity
Wednesdays, by appointment
Please sign up in the front office.
REIKI is a method of natural healing based on the application of Universal Life Force Energy. REIKI is one of the more widely known forms of energy healing. Energy healing involves direct application of CHI for the purpose of strengthening the clients energy system (aura).  This is a quiet, individualized program. Free to our seniors, donations accepted.