OATS Hiking Group
Due to Wednesday’s rain forecast, we are postponing our hike at Paffard Woods Preserve to Friday, May 27. That makes our hike on Tuesday, May 17th with Groton Utilities our next hike. That hike is the JOHNNY CAKE trail which is hilly and approx. 3.5 miles long. Registration needed for each hike. You can reach us at 860-441-6623
Mothers Day: A Week Long Celebration of Women (Week of May 9th– May 13th)
Pamper Yourself Week – Brought to you by the collaborative effort of Lymes’ Senior Center, Lyme Library, and the Old Lyme Phebe-Griffith Noyes Library
Monday, May 9th at 1:00pm- Cupcake Drive Thru for Mothers and Grandmothers held at the Lymes’ Senior Center call (860)434-4127 ext. 1 to register (Members Only for this Event)- register by May 2nd
Tuesday, May 10th at 1:00pm- Flower Arranging Workshop held at the Old Lyme Library call (860)434-1684 to register
Wednesday, May 11th at 1:00pm- Make your own organic lotion bars craft at the Lyme Library call (860)434-2272 to register
Friday, May 13th at 1:00pm- Make your own lavender bath bomb craft at the Lymes’ Senior Center call Lymes’ Senior Center to register at 860-434-4127
White House: The Inside Scoop -Tuesday, May 3rd at 1:00pm
Former White House butler Alan DeValerio is going to give you the inside details about all the preparations involved in White House entertaining and stories about the first families on Tuesday, May 3rd at 1:00pm . This will be available both in person and virtual. When you sign up please signify whether you will be joining us virtually or in-person. Weather permitting this will be held outdoors so please bring your lawn chair.
Poetry Workshop: ” Early Morning Wordliners” First Meeting– Thursday, May 12th
NEW “Early Morning Wordliners” Poetry Workshop and Group- First Meeting– Thursday, May 12th from 10:00– 11:30am. This group will start by having a 5-week poetry writing session with Old Lyme’s Poet Laureate, Dr. Roger Singer. This free class will meet May 12, 19, 26, June 2, and 9 from 10:00-11:30am. Please email me at sgould@oldlyme-ct.gov OR call (860) 434-4127 to register for both the poetry workshop and the poetry group. In his classes, you will learn from the examples of famous poets and their inspirations, and through the practice of your own writing as you may wish. Dr. Singer stresses that all verse is good and commendable. His goal is to make it simple and accessible for you to become more proficient in expressing your thoughts and way of seeing life in your own words. Dr. Singer says, “You need to write about what you feel, not what you think someone may want to hear.” His goal is simply to inspire you.
Take a Look at the New Groups and Clubs: Come Join Us.
Groups and CLUBS (Call (860)434-4127 to sign up)
· “Rogue Rollers” Bocce Club– TUESDAYS 1:30-2:30pm, weather permitting
· “Early Morning Wordliners” Poetry Workshop and Group – First Meeting– Thursday, May 12th from 10–11:30am
· “Take Your Best Shot” Camera Club– THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH 10:00-11:45am
· The “Knit Wits” Knitting Circle– SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH 10:00-11:45am
· “Quilty” Pleasures Quilting Group- THIRD WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH 10:00-11:45am
· “Girls (and Boys) Gone Scrappy” Scrapbooking & Paper Craft Group– FORTH WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH 10:00-11:45am
· “Take a Hike Thursday” Hiking Group- SECOND THURSDAY OF THE MONTH 9:30-11:30ish
· “Totally Pitchin’” Horsesh-U (Horseshoe) Club-FRIDAYS 1-2pm, weather permitting
Exhibit: Lymes’ Senior Center Artists
MONTH OF MAY– Lymes’ Senior Center Artists will be exhibiting their wonderful works at the Old Lyme Town Hall. Join us in admiring their talents and check out their beautiful paintings which will be showcased in the lobby by the meeting hall.
Father’s Day Cookout- Monday, June 13th at 12:00pm
Pre-sign up is required.
ALL MALE MEMBERS ARE FREE. For all other members it will be $5.00 (lunch will be supplemented by the board of directors). If you wish to come and are not a member, it will be full price. The Lions Club will be hosting it proceeds will go to their scholarship fund. Immediately following at 1:00pm we will celebrate our “FATHERS” by listening to the very talented LOL Jazz Cats Middle School Jazz Band. Make sure to bring your lawn chairs for this outdoor event!
Rockwell Museum/ Red Lion Inn Trip on May 29th, 2022
$139.00 includes bus, driver tip, lunch, tour guide, and museum entrance fee. Checks can be made out to the Lymes’ Senior Center.
Flyers will soon be available.
MEMORIAL DAY PICNIC – Friday, May 27th at 11:45AM
Help us kick off the Summer with a Picnic celebration!
Hot Dog w/Chili, Chips, Coleslaw, Dessert
Registration begins May 2nd
Register by May 20th.