Ledge Light Health District Offers COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic- Monday, May 23rd from 2:00-4:00pm

Ledge Light Health District will host a COVID-19 vaccine clinic at the East Lyme Senior Center. Only the Moderna vaccine will be available at this clinic for individuals 18 years or older who need a 1st or 2nd dose (primary series) or are eligible for a 1st or 2nd booster dose.

The following groups are eligible for a 1st booster shot at this clinic:
• individuals 18 years of age & older who have completed a primary series of a mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer) and it has been at least 5 months since completion of primary series.
• individuals 18 years of age & older who have had a primary dose of Janssen COVID-19 vaccine and it has been at least 2 months and would like a mRNA booster.

The following groups are eligible for a 2nd booster shot at this clinic:
• individuals 50 years of age & older who have received a first booster dose of any authorized or approved COVID-19 vaccine and it has been at least 4 months since first booster dose.

All clinics are free and open to the public. No appointment, insurance, or ID is necessary. Please bring your CDC vaccination card if you have one.


 An introduction to classic watercolor that covers the basics you need to paint your own watercolors. Students will learn about the materials, how to mix colors, color relationships, blend and control washes, create textures and how to plan out a painting. Sign up for all the sessions or choose the ones you need the most. Preregistration and payments need to be received by the Thursday before the class. Checks can be written out to artist and instructor, Jeanette Green. Call (860)434-4127 or email sgould@oldlyme-ct.gov to sign up.

· Class 3 – May 2nd, 23rd  from 1:00-3:00pm (2 sessions, 4 hours) $14. Watercolor Textures and Techniques

See how to save the white of your paper and create textures. Use tape, wax resist, salt, alcohol, saran wrap, scraping and scratching, spattering, brushwork, etc. Students will watch a demo. then try the techniques out on their own.

· Class 4 – June 6th and 13th from 1:00-3:00pm (2 sessions, 4 hours) $14. “The Process” Planning and completing your painting How do you start a painting? What do you do next? How do I know when it’s finished? These are some of the questions that students ask me all the time so I have written down the steps that I take in my painting process. Students will then paint a simple composition.


SHRED DAY – Saturday, May 14th from 9:00-12:00PM

Sponsored by the ELPBA,
Niantic/East Lyme Residents Only
Please have your ID ready and limit the amount of documents
to be shredded to 2 banker boxes.

Food donations will be accepted for Care & Share. Consider donating any unexpired, unopened, nonperishable food items.

CINCO DE MAYO – Thursday, May 12th at 11:30am

Join us and celebrate Cinco De Mayo on doce de Mayo.
Chips & Salsa, Tacos, Mexican Corn, Rice and Beans. Mocktail Margaritas!!
Registration begins May 2nd, Register by May 10th.

Low Impact Class with Katie- Wednesday and Friday at 8:30am

Drop in and Ongoing classes. $5.00/class. Classes are open to all members.  Kate Perez is our instructor.

Description: Lo Impact Aerobics – A super fun, full body workout for all fitness levels that combines 30 mins. of moderately paced, easy to follow cardio aerobics sequences designed to elevate the heart rate and keep you moving. We finish up with 15 to 20 minutes of work using a combination of weights, bands, balls and chairs to target strength, balance and functional movements that mimic daily life. This class includes many different modifications and options for low impact or higher impact work dependent upon the individual’s desire to be challenged. No matter your fitness level or your goals this class is super fun and will leave you smiling and feeling accomplished! Come try your first class free! Preregistration is required.