MONDAY:  Senior Center, Doctor Appointments

TUESDAY:  Senior Center, Doctor Appointments

WEDNESDAY:  Senior Center

2nd Wednesday:  Job Lot & Dollar Tree Stores

THURSDAY:  Senior Center, Doctor Appointments

FRIDAY:  Senior Center, Stop & Shop or Walmart

1st Friday – Bank Run


Call us at 860-464-0478 to schedule all transportation requests.

The Ledyard Senior Center offers daily transportation to the Center for activities including lunch, along with rides to medical appointments and other necessities according to the schedule below.  All individuals using our transportation must complete an annual transportation form. A wheelchair lift is available. Please be aware that the Senior Center does not provide assistance to and from the vehicle.  Persons must be able to: travel without assistance, wait outside for 10 minutes, climb three 12-inch steps or use the wheelchair lift.  The Senior Center cannot provide rides home from a medical appointment/procedure that involves general anesthetics. We service Ledyard, Gales Ferry, New London, Groton, Mystic, Waterford, Norwich. Call for details.

Stop in and see Karen for help with these programs


CONTACT:  Karen Goetchius      860-464-8464 

Renters Rebate is a State qualified program run by the OPM (Office of Policy and Management for residents who are elderly/disabled and make a certain amount of Income.








TVCCA Meals on Wheels Information

TVCCA Meals on Wheels providing more than a meal to seniors in our community. Call TVCCA to schedule: 860-889-1365 or 860-934-1006.

The Senior Nutrition Program serves all persons sixty (60) years and older and their spouses who live in New London County.


Eneregy Assistance

Call TVCCA at 860-425-6681

If your household has been financially impacted by COVID-19, TVCCA may be able to help with unpaid rent or mortgage payments. For rental and utility assistance, including help with UNITE CT applications, please call 860-425-6523. For assistance with mortgage payments, please call 860-425-6569