Thursday, April 21st ~ Trip to Wright’s Farm Restaurant & Wright’s Bakery

April Mini-Trip.   Mini-Trips are open to Rose City Senior Center members only

Enjoy a delicious, all you can eat, family-style chicken luncheon at Wright’s Farm Restaurant located in Harrisville, RI.  Your meal consists of dinner rolls with butter, fresh green salad with Wright’s Farm Classic Italian dressing, pasta with red sauce, Wright’s amazing French fries and of course Wright’s famous, tender roast chicken.  Included with your meal will be coffee or tea and ice cream for dessert!

Following lunch, a short ride brings you to Wright’s Dairy Farm & Bakery.  Wright’s Bakery specializes in a number of baked goods, including dessert cakes, cupcakes, cream pastries, flaky pastries, pies, bars, sweet rolls and buns, plenty of assorted cookies and much more!

Bus leaves Senior Center at 10:15am and returns approximately 4:00pm.  Limited seats available.

Cost: $25   No refunds given unless your spot is filled.


Call in Registration begins at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 7th.  Do not call before 5:00pm.

*At 5:00pm on April 7th, Dial (860)889-5960. When you hear the message saying the Senior Center is closed, dial 3433 for the registration voice mail and follow the instructions.*

This trip is open to Senior Center Members ONLY.  You may register yourself plus one additional member when you call in to sign up.  You must be an up-to-date member.


Norwich Public Utilities Drop Box

A Norwich Public Utilities Drop Box is located between the front entrance double doors of the Senior Center.  Drop off your NPU bill and payment in the drop box by noon to be picked up the same day.  Please make sure your bill and payment are in a sealed envelope before you drop it in the box!

Please be aware that the drop box is only accessible during the hours the Senior Center is open.

If you have any questions on your Norwich Public Utilities Bill,

please contact NPU Customer Service (860) 887-2555.


Drop off Friday, April 8th- Scissor, Knife and Blade Sharpening by Razor’s Edge Sharpening Service

Items Available for sharping:
Knives $2.50
Scissors/Pinking Shears $5
Non-Electric Pruners/Hedge Trimmers/Garden Tools $5
Electric Hedge Trimmers $10
Chain Saw Chains/Lawn Mower Blades $5

Drop off your items that need to be sharpened to the reception desk by Friday, April 8th.

Be sure to have your items wrapped in newspaper and safely stored in a plastic bag, with your name, phone number and correct payment included.
**Please make checks payable to Dan Correia**
Your items will be ready to be picked up starting on Thursday, April 14th.


Seniors Cautious About Money – SCAM Talk Monday March 21

Please join us for a very important talk on Seniors Cautious About Money – SCAM Talk

Monday, March 21  9:30-11:30 am here at THRIVE 55+  (102 Newtown Road, Groton) 


Officer Sean O’Brien of Groton Town Police Department will be the presenter and  there will be time for him to answer your questions.

¨ Why are you at Risk for Financial Scams

¨ Types of Financial Scams

¨ Protecting Yourself

¨ Steps to Take Against Financial Fraud


Monday, March 21st 930-1130 SCAM talk

Be sure to join us for Seniors Cautious About Money- SCAM Talk on  Monday, March 21  9:30-11:30 am

Officer Sean O’Brien of Groton Town Police Department will be the presenter and  there will be time for him to answer your questions.

¨ Why are you at Risk for Financial Scams

¨ Types of Financial Scams

¨ Protecting Yourself

¨ Steps to Take Against Financial Fraud


NEW MINI– PEDICURES – Second Tuesdays and Thursdays

Starting in February Christine DeBiasi, professional pedicurist for over 30 years, will be accepting appointments for mini-pedicures. This includes Epson salt, soothing soapy foot bath, trim and filing of nails, light sugar scrub, foot massage and polish.
Her specialty is taking care of painful ingrown toenails. This 30 minute treatment costs $20.00. She will be taking appointments here at the center the 2nd Tuesdays and Thursdays of the the month from 9am-12pm. Please call (860)434-4127 ext. 1 to sign up

St. Patrick’s Luncheon is Friday, March 18  11:30 am

St. Patrick’s Luncheon  Friday, March 18  11:30 am

Our delicious menu includes: Corned Beef or –a Lent alternative– Honey Roasted Salmon, Boiled Cabbage, Carrots and Potatoes, Roasted Asparagus & Cherry Tomatoes, Soda Bread, Chocolate cake, punch and coffee/tea. Your Meal Choice is needed at time of registration.

$20 per person

Deadline to register is March 15th.

Live Entertainment with Pierce Campbell  –

Irish jigs and more!


Day trip to Florence Griswold Museum

Please wont you come with us Thursday, March 24 -Florence Griswold Museum and Hideaway Restaurant?

Admission includes a one-hour professional staff tour  and access to exhibitions in the Krieble Gallery, the historic Florence Griswold House, and the rest of the Museum’s grounds and facilities. Included is the New London County Quilts and Bed Covers exhibit, 1750‒1825.

We shall lunch at the Hideaway Restaurant after our 2 hour visit to the museum. Lunch is on your own tab. We will travel there on one of our Thrive55+ buses. Max of 20 persons. Cost is $20 per resident.


TECH TALK Facebook classes

TECH TALK program –  Thursdays at 9 am weekly

Please join us for weekly insights on current Tech trends – Drop in!


¨ Tech Talk FACEBOOK  Programs:

-Thursday, March 10 Facebook Basics Lesson

-Thursday, March 31 Facebook Legacy Contact Lesson


*MUST register for either of these at the front desk.  


Wednesday, March 30th at 12pm~ Boxed Lunch of the Month

We will be getting our Box Lunch of the Month from Flanders Fish Market on Tuesday, February 22nd. Fish and Chips which comes with fish, French fries, coleslaw and tarter sauce will be available for pick up. We will also be including bottled water OR soda with your order. We will have Coke, Diet Coke and Root beer available. Please let us know your preferred drink when you sign up. Cost is $5.00 for all members/ $7.50 for non-embers. Sign up and money are due by Tuesday, February 15th.