St. Patrick’s Day Celebration Meal

Monday, March 21st
There will be a suggested donation of $4.50 per
person for this meal only.
Reservations are necessary to participate in the Café Program. We ask that
you contact the senior center one week prior to the day in which you plan on
attending. The telephone number is 860-889-0770. You may also leave a
message at the Senior Affairs Office by calling 860-887-5581 extension 6

March Food Distribution

Mark your calendars for Friday, March 4th
as the scheduled date of the next
Food Distribution at the Preston Senior Center. UC&FS will continue with monthly
food distributions as long as interest warrants. We welcome Preston residents
along with residents in surrounding towns to join us between 10:00 a.m. and
11:00 a.m. at the center which is located at 42 Long Society Road. Unfortunately,
when we’re faced with inclement weather, cancellation notices may not reach
everyone in a timely fashion. Should you question whether a distribution will be
conducted or cancelled, you are encouraged to contact the Preston Senior Center
at 860-889-0770 on distribution day. Myself or other staff members are usually
available to answer questions.


Please join us for
our March 4th meeting at 10am.
We look forward to meetings starting
up again and seeing everyone back at
the Center.

Dear Seniors,

It has been an extremely long two years of living
in the crazy new world we found ourselves in.
Throughout these difficulties and health scares
for many of us and our families, we have also
found ourselves in seclusion and isolated much
of the time. As difficult as it was for those with
close family and friends, I am often saddened by
the thoughts of our seniors who found themselves completely alone, without those social
networks. I am proud of our Montville Senior
Center and all that Kathie and her staff accomplished during this time, reaching out to and
connecting our homebound seniors to programs
and services, I am also proud to be a part of the
TOWN COUNCIL that approved funding for
some trips and programs for our seniors to help
get back out there and enjoy themselves! Watch
for all the updates that Kathie and her team have
planned for you and I would just like to add that
it is so nice to be able to see you all once again
(with or without masks if you are comfortable)
enjoying each others company most of all!
Liaison Billy Caron


We have three upcoming trips planned for our Montville Seniors! They will be first come, first served per
sign up as they have been paid for by our
Town COVID Committee with Town
Council approval for our seniors! As it has
been a very long two years of staying mostly
indoors and isolated from the public, I am
proud to say that these trips are paid in full
from these funds to afford our seniors some
much needed socialization and interaction!

$5.00 BINGO

Our $5.00 BINGO is
back!!! Come join us on
Friday, March 25th at
1:00 PM for our popular
$5.00 BINGO. We will have BINGO, cash priz-
es, desserts & beverages, and most of all— fun!
No need to sign up, just come and play and have
some fun with us! Safety measure will be in
place. If you are not feeling well, we ask that
you please stay home. Masks are available for
those that would like and seats will be separated
at tables. We look forward to seeing everyone
once again!


2:00 PM
$8.00 donation request
Corned Beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots & more
Entertainment & Raffles too!
Please call / come in to sign up


Chairperson …………………………………….. Kathie DohertyPeck
Member ……………………………………………………… Mary Adams
Member …………………………………………………Margaret Skinner
Member ……………………………………………………….. Lou Ziegler
Member ………………………………………………………Gary Murphy
Member…………………………………………..Irene Taylor
Town Council Liaison ……………………………………..Billy Caron
Police Liaison………………………………………Lt. Radford
Meetings First Wednesday of the Month in the Senior Center Library at 9am.


Please join us for our fun, social and delicious morning event. We offer these breakfasts every other month. For March, our menu is apple pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, toast, pastry, fruit
cup, orange juice and coffee/tea.
$10.00 per person
Registration is necessary – deadline is Wednesday, March 2nd.


Wally began volunteering at our center in 2004. What began as Wally taking a class in our Tech Center turned into a permanent volunteer position. He said once he accepted the position in the Technology Center he started to come daily and familiarize himself with the center and then it just became a daily thing for him. We are so thankful for that! The most rewarding thing for Wally is when he teaches a class and the students learn something new. Their faces light up as they realize they learned something they felt was challenging and beyond learning. This is why Wally is often studying up on the latest apps and software. Before retiring, Wally worked for the City of Hartford Public Works Department. Wally’s favorite things are his family, bowling and Thrive55+. In true Wally form, he stated that he signs up for everything here even if he’s not going to attend.  He considers it a donation and often will ask if there’s someone who could utilize his ticket or spot. Wally stated the best thing abut the center is being able to come in and  socialize with other people. He stated that it beats sitting at home doing nothing.

We are very fortunate to have Wally as a vital volunteer. A kind, generous, humorous, knowledgeable and helpful man. We could not do all that  we do without FANTASTIC volunteers like Wally!!