COLORADO ROCKIES trip presentation Thursday March 3rd

For all you travelers, we have another trip presentation with Collette planned for THURSDAY, March 3rd 12 –12:45 pm

This August we will be enjoying the COLORADO ROCKIES trip -highlights include: Denver, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado National Monument, Grand Junction, Canyonlands National Park, Dead Horse Point State Park, Arches National Park, Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad, Mesa Verde National Park (UNESCO), Choice on Tour, Pikes Peak Cog Railway, Garden of the Gods.  August 12 — August 20, 2022 • 9 Days.

FREE yet registration is required!  860-441-6785

Aging Mastery Program begins March 2

Also, this week our popular and important AGING MASTERY PROGRAM starts Wednesday, March 2. This is a 8 week course that meets 10-1130 Wednesdays.  See the attached flyer for details.  This course is for anyone 55 plus! REGISTRATION is a MUST.  Again, you can do so by replying to this email or calling us 860-441-6785.

VETERANS AFFAIRS here Monday, Feb 28th  1-3 pm

MONDAY  Feb 28th  1-3 pm we have VETERANS AFFAIRS here to help on several levels. Please come join us and talk to representatives from the

  • Veterans Benefits Administration
  • Veterans Healthcare Administration
  • Veterans Readiness and Employment

Letting us know you are coming can help us prepare best! This is open to all!

You can do so by calling us at 860-441-6785 or emailijng

Renter’s Rebate ~2022

Senior or disabled low-income renters may be eligible for a partial rebate of rent and utility bills, excluding telephone and cable. The filing period is April 1 through October 1.
Applications are available at the Assessor’s Office.