Golden Oldies Creative Arts Group

Mondays  10:00p.m.   Starting February 7th

Group lead by Kerri Redner, LCSW, RYT, C-MI

This is a 6 week series meeting on Mondays which will focus on music, movement (in chair), writing and art.  Each week we will use music of the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s to guide weekly creative activities.  Any member of Rose Arts Senior Center can participate.  This program is free of charge.

If you are interested, please leave your name and phone number at Reception. 

Kerri will call you back to register for the group.


Call N Connect

Would you or a loved one enjoy a weekly phone call from a volunteer to check-in and say “Hello”?  If so, Thrive55+ Active Living Center (Groton Senior Center) has your solution!

Call N Connect, a national program through Call Hub, was put in place to help seniors stay connected and have socialization by phone.  Anyone feeling lonely or isolated can benefit from a weekly phone call from a friendly volunteer to help brighten their day.

The Call Hub system keeps phone numbers between volunteer callers and seniors confidential.  A background check and training is required for volunteer callers before they can call seniors.

This program is open to seniors age 55 and older living in any town in Connecticut.

For more information or to sign up for a weekly phone call,

Please contact Groton SC Program Supervisor Tomi Stanley, (860) 441-6782.


Free At-Home COVID-19 Test Kits

The Federal Government is distributing free at-home COVID-19 Test Kits by mail to those who sign up.  Every home in the U.S. is eligible to receive 4 tests.  The tests kits are completely free.  Orders will be delivered by the USPS and usually ship in 7-12 days.

► The CDC recommends immediately getting tested if you have any symptoms of COVID-19.  For those who are a close contact to someone who tested positive, the CDC recommends getting tested 5 days after exposure even if you have no symptoms.

For more information and to order your test kits, visit:

Looking for a local testing location?  Visit:


Affordable Connectivity Program

The Affordable Connectivity Program is an FCC benefit program that helps ensure that households can afford the broadband (internet) they need for work, school, healthcare and more.

The benefit provides a discount of up to $30 per month toward internet service for eligible households and up to $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal lands.  Eligible households can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers if they contribute more than $10 and less than $50 toward the purchase price.

Eligibility for the Affordable Connectivity Program includes households with incomes at or below 200%of the Federal Poverty Guidelines or participants in assistance programs (SNAP, Medicaid, Federal Public Housing Assistance, SSI, WIC or Lifeline).  Please see websites for all eligibility categories.

For more information and to apply visit    AND



Day Trip to Providence Performing Arts Center to see Ain’t too Proud!

April 14, 2022
Aint too proud the life and times of the Temptations.
Fee: $46.00 per ticket. Time: 5:45 pm – 11:00 pm. Register online at or call 860-887-5581 ext. 113
and well mail you a registration form
Proof of vaccination or negative COVID test required. Masks required. School bus will depart and return
to Preston Veterans Memorial School.

Day Trip to Providence Performing Arts Center to see Prom

March 11, 2022
For ages: 50+. Time: 5:45 pm 11:00 pm. Fee: $44 per ticket. Register before 2/4/2022
to get $15.00 off.
Proof of vaccination or negative COVID test required. Masks required. School bus
will depart and return to Preston Veterans Memorial School. Register online at or call 860-887-5581 ext. 113 and well mail you a
registration form

February Lunch Menus

Meals are served at
11:30 a.m. at the Preston Senior Center, 42 Long Society Road. Reservations are
required and we are closed on all Federal holidays. Call 860-889-0770 on
Mondays or 860-887-5581 ext. 6 Tuesday thru Friday for additional information.
Monday, February 7th
Stuffed Chicken w/Broccoli & Cheese, Glazed Sweet Potatoes, Green Beans, Diced
Pears, bread, margarine and beverage.
February 14th
Beef Stew, Steamed Parsley Potatoes, Broccoli, Fresh Fruit, bread, margarine and
February 21st
Program Closed in observation of Presidents Day.   
February 28th
Italian Pork Sausage & Peppers, Penne Pasta W/marinara sauce, Green & Waxed
Beans, Fresh Fruit, bread, margarine and beverage.
The suggested donation for persons 60 years of age and older is $3.00 per
person. You do not need to be a Preston resident to participate in the program

Stop on in

The senior center is open from 1:00 4:00 p.m. for persons
interested in playing games, borrowing books or puzzles. Or just come and
socialize with your neighbors and friends.

Congregate Meal Program.

Lunch is served at 11:30 a.m. Reservations
are required. Call 860-889-0770 on Monday or 860887-5581 extension 6
Tuesday thru Friday with questions or to make reservations.

February Food Distribution

Friday, February 4th
from 10:00 11:00 a.m. to
attend the next food distribution at the Preston Senior Center, 42 Long Society
Road. Truly amazing the wide range of frozen meats, fresh produce, dairy and
non-perishable food items that are distributed through this drive-thru event.
Many thanks to United Community & Family Services and their many sponsors
which make this event possible. We will continue with the monthly distributions
(first Friday) each month (with Mother Natures cooperation). The program is
open to Preston residents and non-residents alike.