The qualifying income guidelines for the Elderly and Totally Disabled TaxRelief Program application to be filed for the 2021 Benefit year are $38,100 forunmarried individuals and $46,400.00 for married persons. Application filingdeadline for the Homeowner Program is May 15, 2022.You will need to provide proof of all sources of income including but notlimited to Social Security, pensions, interest statements, employment, Etc. If youfiled Income Tax, a copy of the signed and dated document, including supportingdocumentation is necessary to provide. It is extremely important that you bringall necessary documentation regarding proof of your income when you arrive foryour appointment. Items to be included as part of qualifying income are asfollows:*Wages, bonuses, commissions, gratuities and fees, self-employment net income(do not include depreciation expense)*Net Social Security (Box 5 from SSA-1099), Federal Supplemental SecurityIncome, payment for jury duty (excluding travel allowance)*Dividends and interest*IRA – include only “taxable” amount, NOT “total distribution”*Black Lung payments*Green Thumb payments*Interest or proceeds resulting from gifts received
*Lottery winnings*Net income from sale or rental of real or personal property (do not includedepreciation, receipts for expenses required when no tax return has been filed)*Pensions and annuities-include only “Taxable” amount*Veteran’s pension and veteran’s disability payments*Railroad retirement*Severance pay; UNEMPLOYMENT compensation*Worker’s compensation*Alimony*DSS cash assistance (SAGAP)Legal Settlements-Net Proceeds*Dependency and Indemnity Compensation from Dept. of Veterans Affairs*Cancellation of Debt*If property is owned in trust any distributions received from the trust (verifiedwith a copy of the trust federal tax return)*Capital gains total from previous year only (a capital loss carryover from aprevious year should be excluded from qualifying income calculations)Persons already receiving the Elderly and Totally Disabled Tax ReliefProgram benefits will receive correspondence from the Preston Assessor’s Officeindicating that this is the year in which you need to reapply for your benefits.Please contact the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 extension 6 after January31stto schedule an appointment.
Daily Lunches
FROM 11:00—12:15 PM
Strength Training
Every Monday & Wednesday 3:00 – 4:00 PM
Strength training increases muscle mass, helps
strengthen your bones, helps with weight management, provides relief from arthritis pain, lowers risk of injury, and improves cardiac health.
You will be safely guided, by an ACE certified
personal trainer, through a variety of exercise designed to increase muscular strength, range of
motion, and flexibility required for everyday living at its best.” Wear comfortable clothing &
sneakers and take charge of your health!
VETERANS’ COFFEEHOUSE at the Montville Senior Center
2nd & 4th Tuesday of
each month
The Montville Senior Center is proud to partner
with TVCCA & he RSVP Program along with
other partners to offer a twice a month VETER-
ANS’ COFFEEHOUSE for our local Veterans
and their spouses to meet, socialize and receive
information about veteran benefits and services
while having coffee & goodies! No need to
sign up! Space will be limited and safety
measure in place.
Buck-a-Bowl is back!
Come join us for our daily lunch
program, no need to sign up, Monday—Friday serving
from 11:00–12:30 PM, beginning Monday, February
7th. Join us for a delicious lunch
while socializing and getting out
and about. Safety precautions will
remain in place until further notice. Lunches will
be served (no self–serving at this time) Daily
lunches will be posted on the White Board in
the dinning hall (subject to change). We look
forward to seeing everyone back for lunch!
Morning Coffee
February Volunteer of the month- Barbara Daniels
We would like to thank Barbara for her hard work and dedication to the center. Barbara is
being recognized for her commitment and outstanding work as a volunteer. She pitches in
with anything we ask her to help with such as, events, our community garden, grab and go
lunches during COVID ,and decorating for lunches and dinners.
Barbara is a retired school teacher of 35 years and decided to volunteer at the center because
she’s social, likes to be involved and loves to give back to the community. She’s married to
Jack who also volunteers and they have 1 son who lives in California. Barbara’s hobbies
are reading , going to the beach, fair weather golfer and she loves to travel, she has visited
Africa, Greece, Thailand and the Caribbean which was her absolute favorite.
Barbara continues to volunteer at the center because she has made a lot of friends and really
likes the people. She stated “ It’s nice to see everyone coming back to the center after a long
hard haul with COVID and the positivity and happiness they all bring through the door is
Thank you Barbara for all of your amazing work as a volunteer!
Giving Back to your Community – BOTTLE AND CAN FUNDRAISER
Club 55 has a quiet fundraiser that goes on all year long. From January 1, 2021 to the present, club member Obie
Hill has collected returnable cans and bottles and brings back the money to go to the Achievement Award
Scholarships for Groton High School Seniors. Obie has collected 10,761 cans totaling 353.4 pounds over 22 trips
to return the cans. This has brought in $538.05 for the Club 55 scholarship fund. THANK YOU, OBIE! If you
would like to donate cans for this worthy cause, please drop off at our center.
• $538.07 total donated
• 10,761 cans collected
• 353.4 total pounds of cans
• 22 trips to return the cans
February 2022 Highlights
• Monday, February 8th, Alzheimer’s Support group 10:00 am, Classroom B
• Monday, February 7th Volunteer Meeting 12:00 pm in Classroom 2
• Tuesday, February 8th – Club 55 General Meeting 12:30pm
• Tuesday, February 8th – Dining Out at The Octagon at the Marriott 5:00 pm—RSVP
• Monday February 14th – Alzheimer’s Support group 10:00 am Classroom B
• Tuesday February 15th – Photo Genesis with Scott, Traveling to Costa Rica 1:30 pm rsvp
• Thursday, February 17th – Monthly Celebration with Complete Care of Groton 12:30 in community room
• Monday, February 21st – CLOSED
• Monday, February 28th- Veterans Benefits Administration, Veterans Healthcare Administration and Veterans
Readiness and Employment 1:00-3:00 pm
• Thursday, February TBA – Barley Head Brewery tour (Mystic)
Not Feeling Well? Please Stay Home!
If you are not feeling well, we ask that you stay home regardless of your vaccination
status. By staying home, you aren’t sharing germs that can get others sick.
We want you to get better fast and come back when you are feeling well. Call us if you need a
meal delivery when staying home. Thank you!