Will meet once a month (the second Wednesday of the Month) starting Wednesday, January 12th at 10am. This will be a group with mixed levels. It will be a chance to knit together with others, learning ideas off each other and just enjoying the camaraderie. Please email me at sgould@oldlyme-ct.gov OR call (860)434-4127 and let us know if you can attend our kickoff get together January 12th at 10am. Feel free to bring some of your finished projects to share with the group and any you want to work on during this get together.
Boxed Lunch of the Month
Join us on Tuesday, February 22nd at 12 pm– Fish & Chips with a Drink from Flanders Fish Market. 5.00 for members. Sign up and payment due by February 15th. Call (86
Therapuetic Massage is Back!
Groton Senior Center & Groton Town Recreation present a day trip to Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular Saturday, December 18 5 pm show
Every year, the Rockettes push themselves further to put on a show that’s more dynamic, more challenging and more magical than the last. Take in cherished moments and create new memories with the 2021 Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular! We are very excited to be attending again- this time with covid protocols in place.
We have center orchestra seats for the 90 minute show. $ 195/ resident. We leave Groton at 9am/Arrive in NYC by noon/ Depart NYC 8 pm
This trip is full currently- yet, getting on the waiting list never hurts.
HOLIDAY LUNCHEON Wednesday, December 15th
Wednesday, December 15th is our annual CLUB 55 HOLIDAY LUNCHEON at 11:30 am. We have the always entertaining Ledyard High School Carolers visiting to perform for us! This is always a wonderful time for all!!
Menu: beef short rib, stuffed sole w/ scallops and crabmeat, gravy, twice stuffed potatoes, roasted garlic butter mushrooms, broccoli normandy, roll, apple dumpling, eggnog, & coffee/tea
If you have not signed up yet today at 4 pm is the deadline to do so.
$15.00 member $20.00 non member
Christmas Eve Breakfast
Free Live Well Workshops Now Offered via Telephone
Senior Resources* is now offering three different FREE Live Well telephone workshops for area adults and their caregivers: Chronic Conditions Self-Management, Diabetes Self-Management, and Chronic Pain Self-Management. No other technology than a phone is needed for participants to connect for one hour weekly for six weeks to a trained Live Well Leader who facilitates the sessions. In these weekly interactive calls, the Leader reviews materials and the group explores different self-management tools such as action planning, problem solving, decision making, communication, healthy eating, physical activity, and planning for the future.
Workshop participants receive FREE toolkits, including a Living a Healthy Life book, an instruction booklet, and exercise and relaxation CD’s.
Participants are asked to share their address and phone number to have materials mailed directly to their home. All materials are theirs to keep.
Workshops are limited to six adults. For more information and to register, contact Lori at lrygielski@seniorresourcesec.org. or call 860 887-3561 extension 127.
CHRONIC DISEASE SELF-MANAGEMENT starting January 4th thru February 8th at 4:00PM
CHRONIC DISEASE SELF-MANAGEMENT starting January 6th thru February 10th at 10:00AM
CHRONIC DISEASE SELF-MANAGEMENT starting January 13th thru February 17th at 10:30AM
Diabetes Self-MANAGEMENTS starting January 13th thru February 17th at 1:00PM
This evidenced-based program is sponsored by *Senior Resources Agency on Aging, the State Unit on Aging, and the Connecticut Department of Public Health through a grant from the Administration on Aging.