Yankee Gift Swap

Tuesday, December 21st. at 1:00pm, we will be having a Yankee Swap. For those of you who are not familiar with this, here is what you need to know to participate. Everyone wanting to participate brings a wrapped gift worth $5.00. Be creative, it should be a gift that others would like to own.When you bring your gift, you will pick a number, 1 through however many people participate. The more people that come, the “funner” it is. The first person picks a gift and unwraps it. Then the second person picks a gift or takes the one that the first person picked. If the second person chooses the first persons gift, the first person picks another gift and unwraps it. The game continues until the last person picks a gift. Please call 860-434-4127 to register.

Hair Salon is Open

Our hair salon is back OPEN. Paulette is here on Wednesday’s from 9am-1pm.  To book an appointment, please call our front desk 860-441-6785.


Mask Mandate will end as of tomorrow, Wednesday, November 10th

The Town of Groton Covid-19 Indoor Mask Mandate will end as of tomorrow, Wednesday, November 10th. While we continue to suggest practicing LLHD’s recommendations for Staying Safe from Covid-19 as Communities Reopen (information link below), masks will no longer be required in the Groton Community Center or the Groton Senior Center.

However, please note, Groton Parks & Recreation programs taking place at Groton Public School buildings must still adhere to the Governor’s existing school mask mandate.

Also, in keeping with CDC guidelines, Connecticut continues to require that masks be worn on public and private transit vehicles. So, persons utilizing the Groton Senior Center’s buses/vans for transportation must still wear masks.

LLHD link: https://llhd.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Staying-safe-as-communities-reopen.pdf


The Process of Watercolors: Parts 1 and 2.

The Process of Watercolors–Part 1 and 2   November 1st and 8th
from 1:00-3:00pm. Instructor : Jeanette Green Beginner/Intermediate Level

Watercolor is a beautiful, transparent medium that takes planning and foresight to master. Using a reference photograph of a simple still life, students will plan out the stages of painting, then work on their composition.

As they progress through the stages they will paint washes, build up darker shaded areas and use textures to complete their painting. All students will work from the same reference photo. In Part 2 students will finish the painting they started in Part 1.
Limited space available. Call (860)434-4127 ext.1 to sign up. Cost is $12.00 for workshop. Prepayment is required.

How to De-stress and Enjoy the Holidays with Ease Tap into the Healing Power of Your Body– the Vagus Nerve

Tuesday, December 7th at 1:00pm.
Lynn McCarthy, MS, TIYT, E-RYT will be offering practices and
proven ways to hack into your body’s wisdom and guide you
through the holidays and every day with ease. Discussions,
demonstrations, and an opportunity to try out methods that will
serve your needs and make your holidays less stress and more
joyous. Pre-registration is required. This free event will be held
in person and virtually. Please let us know which way you wish
to attend when registering.

Old Lyme Town Band Holiday Concert IN PERSON AND VIRTUAL CONCERT

Sunday, December 5th at 2:00pm the Old
Lyme Town Band Holiday Concert will be LIVE
STREAMED and members with internet access
will be able to enjoy this program live from
home. No in-person audience will be allowed.
On Tuesday, December 14th at 1:00pm we will
re-broadcast this concert here at the senior
center on our large movie screen for folks to
come and see!! Pre-registration is required.
Please call 860-434-4127 and let us know if
you wish to join us for the December 5th
(online) OR December 14th (in person) taped

LIVE Virtual and In Person Lyme-Old Lyme Select Singers Holiday Concert

Wednesday, December 22nd at 12:00pm
Join us for a wonderful holiday event as the LOL High School Select Singers perform holiday
tunes and jazz numbers. Pre-registration is required. A zoom link will be sent to all members
that wish to watch it from their home. In addition we will be showing this LIVE STREAMED
event on our movie screen for those without internet access. Call (860)434-4127 to preregister for this event. Please make sure to indicate whether you will enjoy it here or at your
own home.

Medicare Updates, Changes, and Benefits for 2022

November 16th at 1:00pm we will be offering an in person
educational event to review Medicare and how it can impact
you and if you’re getting all the benefits you qualify for. We’ll be
discussing the difference between Original Medicare, Medicare
Supplements, Medicare Advantage and Prescription drug plans.
The state assistance qualifications for the Medicare Saving Program will be covered and who fits into which tier. We’ll also review how the Part D coverage gap or doughnut hole works and
how the Insulin Saving program can impact your annual drug
cost. This event is being facilitated by Senior Health and Retirement Service. Call (860)434-4127 to register.


Want to participate in some of our Center
programs from home? If you are home-
bound, temporarily or permanently, you do
not need to miss out on some of the activities
and programs at the Center. We currently of-
fer a few exercise programs but have added
in more—through ZOOM! You can join in
on some exercise classes, dance classes, soon
to be crafts as well as educational and travel
programs! Join us for some real timefun,
from the safety and comfort of your home.
Call for details and to sign up