Posted on September 24, 2021 by Montville
Election Day will be here soon enough, and we all need to exercise our right to vote. Remind others and encourage them to vote as well. Keep in mind that we are fortunate enough to live in a country where we pick who represents us.
Voting is a basic right and our way to raise our voice and be a part of how our world runs.
Remember if you don’t vote you don’t get to complain after the fact about anything to do with taxes, the way things are or are not because you didn’t care enough to vote.
Sure, you can say “My vote doesn’t make any difference” but it does!! We all have seen those close election results. That great new candidate who ‘only’ lost by 3 votes. Someone else winning be a handful of votes. These are the perfect examples of your vote does make a difference.
We all need to find out who’s running this November and what those candidates stand for. If we agree with them or not. For those that are in office – do we think they are doing a good job? Do they listen? Do they represent what we want or are they always voting the party line? Should they get re-elected? Or is time for someone new?
And the candidates need to pay attention to us! Because the older population are the most likely to vote! We know what works and what doesn’t work. We have lived the social issues. We have seen the politics involved – both good and bad! And over 70% of us vote!!
Yes, out of every 10 people 65+, 7 of them will be voting in November.
Think about that… This age group can influence all policy. If taxes go up or down or stay the same? Does that referendum pass or does it fail? Does the new candidate win? Does the incumbent get re-elect?
Again, think about it! Your vote can be the very vote that drives change! Mark your calendar so you don’t forget. Call for a ride if you need one. But be sure to vote because elections are decided by those who show up!! Not those who stay home!!
As Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world!!”