Cornhole & Ping Pong- *Start date based on interest*

The Senior Center has custom Cornhole Boards!

Cornhole (Bean Bag Toss) is a game in which players take turns throwing bean bags at a raised platform (board) with a hole in the far end.  A bag in the hole scores 3 points, while one on the board scores 1 point.  Cornhole can be played as singles, doubles or teams.

Play continues until a team or player reaches or exceeds the score of 21.  Hope you join us!

Interested in playing Ping Pong?  The Senior Center has a Ping Pong table which will be set up during Cornhole for people wanting to play.  Play both games if interested!  Beginners Welcome!

Please call Hilary if you are interested. (860) 889-5960. 

Mondays at 12:30pm- Mexican Train Dominoes *Start date based on interest*

Join us to play the game Mexican Train Dominoes.  Beginners are welcome!

The object of the game is for a player to play all the dominoes from his or her hand onto one or more chains, or “trains”, emanating from a central hub or “station”.  The person with the lowest score wins!

Call Hilary if you are interested.  (860) 889-5960


August- Montville Senior Club News

The Senior Club will not be collecting dues for the 2021 calendar year. We will begin taking dues again for the 2022 year beginning in November.
We look forward to meetings starting up again in the Fall and seeing everyone back at the Center. 2022 dues will remain at the $10.00 annually.

Friday is the 13th Menu

FUN MENU –  This Friday is the 13th and our COASTAL CAFÉ is making a fun play on the words with a “scary” menu!  Come on in and check it out!

What REALLY is the menu? Baked Cod or Oven Fried Chicken Legs onion rings and creamed spinach and side salad.


Extreme Heat Tips

Some prevention tips to stay safe in extreme heat include:

Stay Cool: Keep your body temperature cool to avoid heat-related illness

  • Stay in air-conditioned buildings as much as possible.
  • If you must be outdoors, try to limit your outdoor activity to the morning and evening. Try to rest often in shady areas so that your body has a chance to cool off.
  • Find an air-conditioned shelter. (Call 2-1-1 for a list of cooling centers). Do not rely on a fan as your primary cooling device.
  • Avoid direct sunlight.
  • Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing.
  • Take cool showers or baths.
  • Check on those most at-risk several times a day.
  • Pets that cannot be brought indoors should be provided ready access to water and shade to keep them cool.

Stay Hydrated: Because your body loses fluids through sweat, you can become dehydrated during times of extreme heat

  • Drink more water than usual.
  • Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink more fluids.
  • Drink from two to four cups of water every hour while working or exercising outside.
  • Avoid alcohol or liquids containing high amounts of sugar.
  • Remind others to drink enough water.

FREE Technology Help

Come on in! For those 55 and older, we offer FREE technology help weekday mornings.

For bigger jobs, we can also schedule you an appointment with one of amazing technology volunteers. To schedule, you can call 860-445-1057. At this time, please note-  face masks are mandatory for ALL in our center.

We believe in what we do – Content by Judy

We believe in what we do. We all have thought something like this in the past. We have all been very convinced on one issue or another. We then surround ourselves with likeminded people.

Together our voice grows stronger. Ideas flourish. Paths and networks expand. We can do all of this in a very serious way, over very serious issues but we can also do this with laughter and create a better world in a good way.

Laughing is a very healthy thing to do. Laughter is actually a physical reaction consisting usually of rhythmical, often contractions of the diaphragm and other parts of the respiratory system. It is a response to certain external or internal stimuli according to Wikipedia.

Did you know there is even a National Let’s Laugh Day? It’s March 19th and we can laugh about the fact that I missed it by a few months!

Life can be hard. Things happen to us and around us that we don’t understand. We can hit low spots. But we need to move forward. We need to look for what makes us smile. It could be a puppy, a baby, a joke, or a movie. But once we can smile it’s easier to laugh. So go watch a funny movie!

When you laugh it lowers your stress hormone. You can burn up to 40 calories with a good 15-minute belly laugh. Your abs get a workout.  Laughing can be better for you than a cup of coffee. One minute of laughter boosts your immune system for 24 hours. 15 minutes of laughing equals the benefits of 2 hours of sleep. So, here’s a question – if I’m awake during the night for a few hours I only need to laugh about it and I’m good???

The average man smiles an average of 8 times a day. The average woman smiles 62 times a day. Babies smile an average of 200 times a day. So, now lets all be babies!!! At least for part of the day.

I once attend a laughter yoga class and they tell you “Fake it till you make it!” If you force yourself to laugh and to keep laughing before you know it the laugh becomes real, and it feels good. Try it and you’ll have a better day!!

Why do giraffes have long necks?

Because they have smelly feet.

What goes tick-tock and woof-woof?

A watchdog

What are the two things you can’t have for breakfast?

Lunch and dinner

Why is a bad joke like a pencil?

Because it has no point

Why isn’t there a clock in the library?

Because it tocks too much

Did I make you giggle, chuckle, belly laugh????

I hope so. Have a better day!