You can often find Sharon, our September volunteer of the month, at our special events greeting folks at the front door or working hard to ensure final details for events have been accomplished such as stuffing  swag bags or tying 200 bows! Her help the past the past three years has been invaluable. Sharon was a tremendous help with the Community First Dinner Program distributions. From the very beginning she handed meals out and directed traffic. She also helped at our food box distribution events, handed out grab and go lunches throughout the entire pandemic, no matter the weather. She is also a GSC Garden
Club Member Volunteer. When Sharon isn’t volunteering she often enjoys reading, gardening, traveling and spending time with her husband and dog.
Sharon chooses to volunteer at our center because she enjoys meeting new people and talking with folks learning about them and what their lives were like before retirement and joining the center. Sharon also wanted to volunteer somewhere that would allow her to be a part of the community that she lives in. She is very happy that she found GSC. We are also extremely happy that Sharon found us too!

SENIORS ON THE MOVE- Hiking Group *Tuesdays, September 7 & 14

Join us for scheduled hikes in and around Ledyard and Gales Ferry and surrounding towns.  Call 860-464-0478 to register and for more details. 

DAY:  September 7

TIME:  9:00 – 10:30

LOCATION:  Avery Preserve – Avery Hill Road


DAY:  September 21

TIME:  9:00 – 10:30

LOCATION:  Tri Town Trail

Club 55 2021-2022 Membership Drive

For ONLY $5 per year (Sept.— Aug.) you too can be a part of our fantastic altruistic Club 55!
Visit us in the lobby most weekdays! Discounts on Club 55 special events and Club 55 supports many projects of interest to seniors

Dr. Michael Sullo Oil Painting class- Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30pm

8 week session
September 1–October 20, 2021
$280 per student
Open to ages 14-108 All levels are welcome. Oil Painting, Artist, Lecturer and Professor, Dr. Sullo is once again offering a BEGINNERS class in oil painting.

This program will include:
 lessons in oil painting: eight lessons over eight consecutive weeks
 a study in a particular technique and practice
 a private tour of a CT art museum lead by an Italian master painter Dr. Michael Sullo
 class is limited to 10 students
Come join us and allow your creativity to flourish. Students are responsible for their own supplies.

Call 860-441-6785 for more information.

Wednesday, September 8th at 1:00 pm- O.A.T.S. activity at Mortimer Wright Nature Preserve

A group with a shared interest of being outdoors and adventure who happen to be 55 and older.  Interested? Email or call 860-441-6623.

–Wednesday, September 8th 1:00 pm Mortimer Wright Nature Preserve approx. 1.5 mile

–Thursday, October 14th 10:00 am Groton Utilities lead hike around the reservoir approx. 3+ miles

Registration is required – for any OATS outing- please call 860-441-6785.



Tuesday , September 21st at 1:00 pm- Travel to Egypt with Scott and Josh (Virtual Trip)

A virtual trip and presentation of “Two weeks in Egypt” -a photo documentation of a fantastic pre-covid adventure. We start in Cairo, with a cruise on the Nile river, temples and monuments, the Aswan High Dam, concluding with scuba diving in the Red Sea. We look forward to sharing the experience, knowledge and humor from our trip. Please register at 860-441-6785.

Wednesday, Sept 15th at 5:00 pm- SUNSET SERENADE

FREE and Open to the Public!
Please join us at 5 pm a concert in our parking lot with great entertainment provided by the Howling Houndogs.
BYOLC – bring your own lawn chair

Wednesday, Sept 15th from 4:00 to 5:00 pm- COMMUNITY FIRST DINNER

FREE and Open to the Public!
Please come through 4-5 pm, pick up your meal.
This is a drive through style and contactless meal
program here at Groton Senior Center with the purpose of keeping our community nourished during
these difficult times. In order to keep this contactless, we ask that you pop open your trunk so meals
can be placed in. MASKS are required to be worn.
This night is generously sponsored by N.C.O.A. and
Children First Groton.

Tuesday, September 14th at 5:00 pm- DINING OUT is back! at Frank’s Gourmet Grille

The community gives to the Groton Senior Center; Dining Out is our way of giving back to the community. An evening outing of dining, socializing, and enjoyment! Each month one special restaurant will be featured. The senior van will pick you up or you can meet us there.  Each person pays their own tab at the restaurant. Order a full entrée or just appetizers.
Registration is required 860-441-6785.