Free Activity.
VIRTUAL MAT YOGA- Mondays at 1:00pm
This gentle class is designed for seniors who want to remain active and vibrant. Using traditional yoga poses, with variations and modifications for students who have problems with knees, hips, wrist, shoulders and back, this class focuses on function, strength, balance, and flexibility. We start sitting on the floor, transition to hands and knees, then standing poses, then hands and knees again onto the belly, ending on the back for deep relaxation. We often use chairs for balance and support for the standing poses. Pranayama, meditation and yoga philosophy round out the class.
- DAY: Mondays, 10 weeks
- TIME: 1:00 – 2:00pm
- BEGINS: July 5
- FEE: $50
- INSTRUCTOR: Sandy Hartnett
Tuesday, August 31st at 1:00pm- Boggle- Large Board- We will teach you!
Free Activity.
Effective August 2, 2021- We are Fully Open
Monday-Fridays 9am to 3pm
Masks Recommended
Required if NOT vaccinated
All Meals will NOW be in-dining only
Tuesday, August 24th at 12:30 pm- Bus Trip to Cross Sound Ferry Lighthouse Cruise out of New London
Our Senior Bus will depart from the Griswold Senior Center at 12:30 pm. Return time is unknown.
Tickets $25.00 per person *Payment required upon registration
Enjoy a 2 hour narrated cruise aboard a high speed Catamaran. Each vessel has a snack bar and beverages to purchase. You will enjoy this narrated tour of nine lighthouses, beautiful mansions, Fisher’s Island, NY and more.
Wednesday, August 25th at 12:00 to 2:00pm- Picnic at Hopeville State Park
Bring your chair and visit with friends. We will supply hot dogs, hamburgers, fixings and salads. Please bring a dessert to share with friends.
We require that you Register with the senior center at 860-376-2604 for a count of members.
If you need transportation to the Park let us know.
Hopeville State Park
929 Hopeville Rd
Griswold, CT 06351
Monday, August 30th at 3:30 to 5:30pm- United Way/Salvation Army Food Box Delivery
Thursday, August 5th- Trip Presentations for our 2022 Trips
THURSDAY, August 5th is our double feature COLLETTE trip presentation –
SANTA FE is at 1pm then we will have our CALIFORNIA DREAMIN’ at 2:30 pm trip presentation.
We need to know how many are coming so be sure to register! 860-441-6785
Restaurant Style Lunches- Monday though Friday at 11:30am
Call ahead to order at 860-376-2329.
Pay at reception desk when you arrive.
Wednesday, August 11th- Shooting Star Meeting
Meeting time 12:00pm
Always the second Wednesday of the month.