Saturday, August 7th- Baked Goods Are Needed

Groton Senior Center Club 55 will be hosting a bake sale on Saturday, August 7th at the open market, located at the center. At this time they are requesting homemade, individually wrapped cookie or brownie treats.

Due to the market being held outdoors, they would like to avoid foods that can melt in the elements.

Baked goods can be dropped off to the center Thursday, August 5th and Friday, August 6th between 9am-3pm.

Technology Help for YOU Starting Tuesday July 6th

We suspect a few of you might have technology issues- cell phone, ipad, laptop, computer, etc that have come up since you were last in here. Well, Tuesday we not only reopen fully but we also kick off our Technology Help again for you!!

This week we have help ready for you Tuesday 8:30-noon and Wednesday 9-noon. We are lucky enough to have a few tech savvy volunteers ready to help you!

Some issues may take longer and we may schedule a time for you to come in after we surmise the issue.  You can also call 860-445-1057 to make an appointment. Please leave a detailed message and we wil get back to you.

Get Out There!! – Content by Judy

New Age???

New Time???

New Start???

Do any of us know what to call this time we are now living? I can’t figure it out myself. I just know I’ll never live a ‘normal’ life again. That was before COVID. Now I just know things a different and I need to create the life I want to live.

Things will be different because we are different. But how do we want this new ‘different’ to look? Should we be making a new plan? Finding new avenues? Reassessing those things we wanted but didn’t do before?

My husband and I started a list several months ago of things we were going to do after COVID. On it I added go to bars. My husband said, “But we don’t go to bars!” “No, but we’re going to start because it’s something new and different. Who knows we might even like them!” So, we’ll see…

That’s sort of a silly example of trying something new. Going somewhere we might be uncomfortable. Experiencing a new environment. But it will get us engaged in a new way and who knows we might even make new friends or find people we used to know.

I want all of you to experience that new day. A new start. For you to act and move forward. Even if you don’t know what ‘IT’ is. Work on ‘IT’. Figure ‘IT’ out. Make a plan. Pick a day of each week to try something new.

It can be as simple as enjoying a cup of coffee in a new place. You’re not alone. There will be others looking for the same things you are looking for. Say hello as you walk by. You just need to get out there.

The next day maybe go for a walk. Then reach out and ask someone to go out to eat or visit a museum. Even if they can’t go then, see if they want to meet up another time. I can almost guarantee they do! They are lonely too. Invite a few friends and family over for a game night or a cookout. Reach out to an old friend you haven’t seen in a while. Put yourself out there. Volunteer. Go to the library. Join the gym. Sign up for a class at the Senior Center.

And if a few things don’t go as you thought they would, remember it’s ok. You’re trying. Finding a new path can be hard and it will take time. But you just might end up in a totally different place than what you thought you wanted. And it can be even better than you ever imagined!!

So be sure to remember aging is a privilege. A time to explore. A time for growth. A time make new connections with new people and places.

As we travel into this new world don’t forget to reinvent yourself and your life!!

NEW FUN “TO GO” OR IN PERSON LUNCH- Join us for a Boxed Lunch Day! Wednesday July 28th 12:00-12:30pm

We will be ordering boxed lunches from Subway to include a 6-inch cold sub, a bag of chips, a
cookie, and a bottle of water. Sub options are cold cut combo (Bologna, Salami, and turkey),
Ham, Turkey, Tuna, BMT (Peperoni, Ham & Salami), Ham & Turkey, Spicy (Peperoni and Salami)
and Veggie Delight. You will also be able to pick out veggies (lettuce, tomatoes, spinach,
cucumbers, pickles, olives, hot peppers, banana peppers, sweet peppers, red onion, green
peppers), type of cheese (provolone, American, swiss, pepper jack) and sauces (chipotle,
honey mustard, ranch, Caesar, buffalo, parmesan, vinaigrette, sweet onion, BBQ, mayo,
mustard), and bread (Italian, Herb and Cheese, Wheat). All orders and payments will be due
by July 20th. As a thank you to all our wonderful members from the Board we will be charging
$5.00 for this meal valued at $8.50. Meals can be ordered to pick up drive thru style OR you
can reserve a place to eat under our tent. All those wishing to eat under the tent will need to
let us know at the time they place the order. Tent eating will be limited to 12 Pods and no more
than 2 people can sit together in a pod. Tables will be socially distanced at 6+ feet apart from
one another.

Phased Re-Opening Timeline

As part of our phased opening, May was a very successful month of offering outdoor programs, services, and
entertainment. We had 155 people join us in person over the month. It has been great to see people enjoy
the in-person programs and services again. We also continue to offer virtual programs which had approx. 500
people participate in the month of May. My hope in enacting the phased re-opening is that it will give people
much needed opportunities to see and be with each other all while keeping people safe. After conferring
with other senior centers and their reopening plans and with our own building limitations in mind, we will be
moving to our next reopening phase after the 4th of July holiday by moving certain programs and services that
can be socially distanced inside if the classes wish to. Masks and preregistration will continue to be required. This phase will
take place after the air filters will have been installed in the remaining 4 heat pumps at the end of the current month. At
that point, the whole building will be covered with air purifiers and Merv filters. One change to the old policy is if you are
vaccinated, you will no longer be required to wear masks outside although you can if you wish to. We hope to be targeting other,
non-socially distanced programs to return indoors starting August 9th. Masks and preregistration will be required. This will include
cards, Wii, movies etc. Bigger entertainment events will still be held outside through the fall. I am told that in person meals will
return to the center sometime this fall, possibly September and the date of return will be determined by the Estuary Senior
Center and the State of CT. In the meantime, we are offering a few outdoor lunch opportunities in July and August to get people
together which will be held outside under the tent.

Thank you for all your patience while we work to safely get our
Senior Center back to the lively happening place it was prepandemic!

COVID 19 Protocols for Participating in Activities at the Lymes’ Senior Center Grounds

These are based on the current recommendations from the State of Connecticut and Ledge Light Health District for Senior Centers.

1. Masks covering the nose and mouth must be worn. You can remove your mask only if you are at your outside exercise or program spot. Programs or events under the tent will require masks be worn at all times. Anytime you are walking around the grounds, you must have your mask covering your nose and mouth.  Mask breaks can be taken over 20 feet away from tent and 12 feet from the nearest person. If you are unable to wear a mask, please call Stephanie Gould at the Senior Center and we will try and make alternative arrangements for you to participate in programs or services virtually. Masks with ventilators are not acceptable, unless covered with another mask.
2. Social Distancing Everyone is required to maintain a 6-foot social distance while at the Senior Center (10-12 feet during exercise classes). Spaces will be marked.
3. Visiting is not allowed. You must have a reservation or appointment for a service, exercise class or to participate in a program and you will be required to leave the premises after your class, program, or service. Members will not be allowed to drop in and visit for extended periods.
4. Reservations are required for all programs, classes, and services. Due to limited class sizes, you can only sign up for one class per category (i.e., art workshops, low impact classes, etc.). Please remain in your car until your scheduled appointment or class time.
5. Bathrooms: The Senior Center building will not be open to the public. All participants will have to use a nearby Port A Potty located in the Town Woods parking lot.
6. Anyone experiencing COVID symptoms should NOT visit the center grounds.
7. The Director or her designated representative reserves the right to ask anyone who is not adhering to these protocols to leave the premises. These protocols are subject to change based on changing recommendations.

Please sign and date below to acknowledge you have read and received these guidelines.
Date _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Upcoming Virtual Classes & Programs

To Sign Up email



VIRTUAL CLASS                                       DATE & TIME                           COST

Slow and Steady Yoga                            Mondays at 9- 10:15am               Call for information

Low Impact/High Energy Dance        Tues &  Thurs at 9:00am             $20.00 a month

Chair Yoga for Pain                                 Wednesdays at 9- 10:15am         Call for information

Tap Class                                                    Wednesdays at 11:00am             FREE

Slow and Steady Yoga                             Fridays at  9- 10:15am                Call for information



Join us for some fun with Sue Beeman, MS, RDN. With a specialty in senior nutrition, she will be leading a
virtual Cooking Experience on Wednesday, July 21st at 1:00pm. The recipes will be summer inspired and 5
ingredients or less and sent to you ahead of time. If you wish you can prepare it with her OR just watch the
demonstration. These recipes are easy, quick, healthy, and fun! Please RSVP before Tuesday, July 13th by calling
(860) 434-4127 ext. 1.


FREE (VIRTUAL) American History Lecture Series with Jared Day, PHD

Andrew Johnson and Impeachment                   Friday, July 2nd at 2:00pm

Experiments in Freedom: The US and African Americans, 1865-1900                    Friday, August 6th at 2:00pm

Crazy Horse and Westward Expansion               Friday, Sept. 3rd at 2:00pm


FREE (VIRTUAL) Biography Lecture Series with Jared Day, PHD

Genghis Khan                                                                              Friday, July 16th at 2:00pm

Hernan Cortes                                                                             Friday, August 20th at 2:00pm

Regency King: King George IV of England                            Friday, Sept. 17th at 2:00pm


******65 Additional Free Virtual Programs/ Leatures/ Classes are offered monthly to our members through a Connecticut Senior Center Exchange.  For more information on participating in these programs, please email us at



Get Out There!! – Content by Judy

New Age???

New Time???

New Start???

Do any of us know what to call this time we are now living? I can’t figure it out myself. I just know I’ll never live a ‘normal’ life again. That was before COVID. Now I just know things a different and I need to create the life I want to live.

Things will be different because we are different. But how do we want this new ‘different’ to look? Should we be making a new plan? Finding new avenues? Reassessing those things we wanted but didn’t do before?

My husband and I started a list several months ago of things we were going to do after COVID. On it I added go to bars. My husband said, “But we don’t go to bars!” “No, but we’re going to start because it’s something new and different. Who knows we might even like them!” So, we’ll see…

That’s sort of a silly example of trying something new. Going somewhere we might be uncomfortable. Experiencing a new environment. But it will get us engaged in a new way and who knows we might even make new friends or find people we used to know.

I want all of you to experience that new day. A new start. For you to act and move forward. Even if you don’t know what ‘IT’ is. Work on ‘IT’. Figure ‘IT’ out. Make a plan. Pick a day of each week to try something new.

It can be as simple as enjoying a cup of coffee in a new place. You’re not alone. There will be others looking for the same things you are looking for. Say hello as you walk by. You just need to get out there.

The next day maybe go for a walk. Then reach out and ask someone to go out to eat or visit a museum. Even if they can’t go then, see if they want to meet up another time. I can almost guarantee they do! They are lonely too. Invite a few friends and family over for a game night or a cookout. Reach out to an old friend you haven’t seen in a while. Put yourself out there. Volunteer. Go to the library. Join the gym. Sign up for a class at the Senior Center.

And if a few things don’t go as you thought they would, remember it’s ok. You’re trying. Finding a new path can be hard and it will take time. But you just might end up in a totally different place than what you thought you wanted. And it can be even better than you ever imagined!!

So be sure to remember aging is a privilege. A time to explore. A time for growth. A time make new connections with new people and places.

As we travel into this new world don’t forget to reinvent yourself and your life!!

Get Out There!! – Content by Judy

New Age???

New Time???

New Start???

Do any of us know what to call this time we are now living? I can’t figure it out myself. I just know I’ll never live a ‘normal’ life again. That was before COVID. Now I just know things a different and I need to create the life I want to live.

Things will be different because we are different. But how do we want this new ‘different’ to look? Should we be making a new plan? Finding new avenues? Reassessing those things we wanted but didn’t do before?

My husband and I started a list several months ago of things we were going to do after COVID. On it I added go to bars. My husband said, “But we don’t go to bars!” “No, but we’re going to start because it’s something new and different. Who knows we might even like them!” So, we’ll see…

That’s sort of a silly example of trying something new. Going somewhere we might be uncomfortable. Experiencing a new environment. But it will get us engaged in a new way and who knows we might even make new friends or find people we used to know.

I want all of you to experience that new day. A new start. For you to act and move forward. Even if you don’t know what ‘IT’ is. Work on ‘IT’. Figure ‘IT’ out. Make a plan. Pick a day of each week to try something new.

It can be as simple as enjoying a cup of coffee in a new place. You’re not alone. There will be others looking for the same things you are looking for. Say hello as you walk by. You just need to get out there.

The next day maybe go for a walk. Then reach out and ask someone to go out to eat or visit a museum. Even if they can’t go then, see if they want to meet up another time. I can almost guarantee they do! They are lonely too. Invite a few friends and family over for a game night or a cookout. Reach out to an old friend you haven’t seen in a while. Put yourself out there. Volunteer. Go to the library. Join the gym. Sign up for a class at the Senior Center.

And if a few things don’t go as you thought they would, remember it’s ok. You’re trying. Finding a new path can be hard and it will take time. But you just might end up in a totally different place than what you thought you wanted. And it can be even better than you ever imagined!!

So be sure to remember aging is a privilege. A time to explore. A time for growth. A time make new connections with new people and places.

As we travel into this new world don’t forget to reinvent yourself and your life!!

Get Out There!! – Content by Judy

New Age???

New Time???

New Start???

Do any of us know what to call this time we are now living? I can’t figure it out myself. I just know I’ll never live a ‘normal’ life again. That was before COVID. Now I just know things a different and I need to create the life I want to live.

Things will be different because we are different. But how do we want this new ‘different’ to look? Should we be making a new plan? Finding new avenues? Reassessing those things we wanted but didn’t do before?

My husband and I started a list several months ago of things we were going to do after COVID. On it I added go to bars. My husband said, “But we don’t go to bars!” “No, but we’re going to start because it’s something new and different. Who knows we might even like them!” So, we’ll see…

That’s sort of a silly example of trying something new. Going somewhere we might be uncomfortable. Experiencing a new environment. But it will get us engaged in a new way and who knows we might even make new friends or find people we used to know.

I want all of you to experience that new day. A new start. For you to act and move forward. Even if you don’t know what ‘IT’ is. Work on ‘IT’. Figure ‘IT’ out. Make a plan. Pick a day of each week to try something new.

It can be as simple as enjoying a cup of coffee in a new place. You’re not alone. There will be others looking for the same things you are looking for. Say hello as you walk by. You just need to get out there.

The next day maybe go for a walk. Then reach out and ask someone to go out to eat or visit a museum. Even if they can’t go then, see if they want to meet up another time. I can almost guarantee they do! They are lonely too. Invite a few friends and family over for a game night or a cookout. Reach out to an old friend you haven’t seen in a while. Put yourself out there. Volunteer. Go to the library. Join the gym. Sign up for a class at the Senior Center.

And if a few things don’t go as you thought they would, remember it’s ok. You’re trying. Finding a new path can be hard and it will take time. But you just might end up in a totally different place than what you thought you wanted. And it can be even better than you ever imagined!!

So be sure to remember aging is a privilege. A time to explore. A time for growth. A time make new connections with new people and places.

As we travel into this new world don’t forget to reinvent yourself and your life!!