Renter’s Rebate of Elderly and Totally Disabled Program 2021

July 2021- Reminder

As a reminder for individuals applying for the Renter’s Rebate and Totally Disabled Program, the income limits for unmarried individuals are $37,600.00 and $45,800.00 for a married couple. You need to provide proof of income for 2020 including but not limited to Social Security benefits, interest, wages, etc. Information regarding additional documentation essential for the completion of your application may be directed to the Senior Affairs Office. To schedule an appointment, please telephone the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 extension 6. Application deadline is October 1st.


The Renter’s Rebate Program includes the following requirements for participation:
1. The claimant must have resided in Connecticut for a one-year period of time prior to filling an application.
2. Claimant, or spouse, if domiciled together, must have been 65 years of age by the end of the calendar year preceding the filing period; or be 50 years of age or older and the surviving spouse of a  renter, who at the time of his/her death, had qualified and was entitled to tax relief. Persons under 65 years of age who are receiving Social Security or disability benefits deemed comparable by the Secretary of OPM are also eligible (applications filed under the disability provision must be accompanied by current proof of disability.
3. Qualifying income is considered wages, bonuses, commissions, gratuities and fees; self-employment net income; gross Social Security benefits, Federal Supplemental Security income, dividends, interest, annuities; IRA distributions, Black Lung payments; Green Thumb payments; interest resulting from gifts received; Lottery winnings; net rental income, pensions, Railroad Retirement; severance pay, Unemployment Compensation, Workers Compensation, Alimony, etc.
4. The qualifying income guidelines for the calendar year 2020 must not exceed $45,800.00 for a married couple and $37, 600.00 for unmarried individuals.
5. The applicant must provide proof of rent and utilities payments during the 2020 calendar year.
Individuals interested in making application for the Renters Rebate of Elderly and Totally Disabled Programs are requested to contact the Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 ext. 6. The  application filing period is April 1st through October 1st.

The COVID-19 restrictions continue to remain in place. Possibly in the near future, face-to-face appointments will again be offered. Until there is an official lifting of those restrictions, I ask that  those individuals interested in applying for the Renters Rebate program contact the office, make arrangement to drop off your documents in the Blue Drop Box in the front of the Preston Town Hall, 389 Route 2 (include your name and telephone number on the items) and I will contact you by phone to finalize your application.


FREE and Open to the Public!
**If you plan to enjoy your free meal at the Sunset Serenade you MUST pre register by July 26**
Please come through 4-5 pm, pick up your meal then stay to join us at 5 pm for the free entertainment. If you
want to bring your own food that is obviously fine too.
This is a drive through style and contactless meal program here at Groton Senior Center with the purpose of
keeping our community nourished during these difficult times. In order to keep this contactless, we ask that you
pop open your trunk so meals can be placed in.
This night is generously sponsored by NCOA, Walmart Foundation and Children First Groton.

Call The Senior Center if you need the following:

  • Please call us if you need yarn for your projects.
  • Do you need reading material? We have many books available to you.  Our new center will have a library for your enjoyment!
  • If you have DSS paperwork that you need assistance with, please call.
  • Are you familiar with the Medicare Savings Plan — QMB? You may qualify to save money each month.  We process applications for this program — call us!



Senior Center Meeting at Hopeville Pond



1:00 P.M.—2:30 P.M.





Free Grocery Delivery Program for Seniors

Senior Resources Agency on Aging-Eastern CT announces that it is offering a
COVID 19 related, short term funding program to pay for groceries and delivery to
the home of older adults.
People 60 years or older provide their grocery list to specially trained intake
personnel over the phone. The list is then ordered and paid for through services
such as Instacart or other grocery store providers. The recipient pays nothing.
Approximately $100 of groceries per order, delivery fees and tip are all included in
the program funding.
Benefits screening is offered to ensure that the participant is aware of any
programs or services that will help them to continue to live independently in their
community. This might include Medicare counseling, Senior Nutrition Program
participation, SNAP application, Caregiver support, transportation, housing
questions, heating assistance and much more.
Participants provide basic demographic information in a confidential phone
conversation, similar to other Older Americans Act funded programs. Income is
discussed as part of the benefits screening process but is not a requirement of the
grocery program. Call 860-887-3561 Monday through Friday 8:30 – 4:00. Have
your list ready and let the receptionist know that you are calling about the
grocery program.
Senior Resources, the Area Agency on Aging in Eastern Connecticut, is a
private non-profit organization established in 1976 and authorized by the Older
Americans Act of 1965 and state statute to provide unbiased access, information
and referral to programs related to aging. The Eastern Connecticut region
includes Windham, New London, Middlesex County and several towns of Tolland

Change with Lunch orders

Lunch orders should be called in ahead of time and payment will take place when checking in at the reception desk.

Updated Information about Bingo

Bingo is still on Thursdays with a new time. Cards will be sold at 9:30 and
bingo will begin at 10:30. Lunch will be served at 11:30 and bingo will
resume at 12:00

What is Pickleball exactly?

Pickleball is something of a mix between tennis, racquetball and ping pong. Players use
special paddles and a whiffle ball, and games take place on tennis courts with specific
pickleball lines. Nets and court sizes are smaller than their tennis counterparts, and the
most common game is doubles, although singles is also an option. It has its own set of
quirky rules — for instance, try to stay out of the “kitchen”— but they’re easy to learn.
The game is quick, making it a convenient way to get in some exercise. Games in a typical
league run only 15 minutes each — you can get in as little or as much as you want.
We have experienced players that would love the opportunity to teach new players. It’s
played right here at our Lisbon Meadows tennis court. Call 860-376-2329 to inquire.