Deep Breathing, Aromatherapy, Guided Mediation, and Mindfulness Discussions. This is a great way to start the day and will be offered via ZOOM for the next few months! There are many health benefits to Mediation: Detoxification of body, de-stressing, increased cardiovascular capacity, regulate weight, improved posture, help with anxiety, depression, heart disease, high blood pressure & more! Classes are ongoing—you can join at any time, please call the office to sign up and on instructions to participate.
Health & Wellness Program: Monday – Friday on Videos
We have been providing Health & Wellness video since this crazy pandemic started! If you would like to receive the videos – they are sent via email – please send me an email with your request and I will add you to the list! This is a great way to stay active while staying home and safe! The program is called COOPED UP WITH CAITLIN and videos are provided Monday – Fri-day and show you how to keep moving safely in your home! Working on different muscle groups, different areas of the body, etc. the videos will show you how to move throughout the home, using different furniture or household items to hold or hold on to while performing exercises to help keep your muscles and blood moving and flowing!
Senior Center Closed Until Further Notice
The Lyme’s Senior Center will be closed until further notice as of Tuesday 3/17/20. Only Cafe Lunch and Nursing Services will take place on Monday 3/16/20. The town nurse will still remain open at this site M-F 11:15am-1:15pm. Those normally eating lunch here will be able to order a lunch “to go” through the Estuary Senior Center in Old Saybrook by calling (860)388-1611 x 216 before 11:00am on the Monday before the week. Those wishing to use this service can pick it up at The Lymes’ Senior Center’s KITCHEN DOOR on TUESDAY’S between 11:30-12:30pm. One reservation will provide 5 frozen meals.
During this time the Center will continue to coordinate with Emergency Management, Town Officials, Health Dept etc. and will be in contact with other Senior Centers to figure out the best time to go back to “business as usual.”
If you have any questions, please call the Senior Center at (860) 434-1605 ext. 240.
Best regards,
Stephanie Gould, Lymes’ Senior Center Director
26 Town Woods Road Old Lyme
(860)434-1605 ext. 240
“Like Us” on Facebook. Because of COVID-19, there is very limited foot traffic within the Community Center. Therefore, communication via Facebook has become a valuable tool for the Senior Center. Check it out – we are posting daily.
The Senior Center has 2 websites: you can go to Hover over the “Community” Button and then Click on “Senior Center”. The Senior Center is also part of a regional website. Check it out: – look for East Lyme.
If you would like the newsletter emailed to you monthly, give us a call and we can add you to our monthly email distribution list.
We also have added the ability to register for classes on-line. Go to You will be able to register for programs via this link. Right now, we are NOT accepting credit card payments but that will be re-instated in the near future.
This period can be used by a person who has an active Medicare Advantage Plan as of 1/1/2021. During this Open Enrollment Period (OEP), January 1st – March 31st, a beneficiary can:
- Switch from one Medicare Advantage Plan (with or without drug coverage) to another Medicare Advantage Plan (with or without drug coverage);
- Leave the Medicare Advantage Plan and return to Original Medicare by selecting a prescription drug plan (Part D).
What beneficiaries cannot do:
- Switch from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage Plan;
- Join a Medicare Part D Plan;
- Or switch from a Medicare Part D Plan to another Medicare Part D Plan.
The change can only be used once during the OEP. The new plan become effective the first of the month after the plan receives your request. Call the Senior Center office at 860-739-5859 if you require assistance.
TVCCA Home Heating Assistance Now Available
Winter is coming and home heating costs can be a struggle for many. There is help.
TVCCA is now taking applications for the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program which provides assistance towards a homes primary source of heat. Priority is given to “vulnerable households” with young children, elderly or disabled individuals.
Income and Asset Limits apply:
Household Size:
1 Annual Income $37,645
2 Annual Income $49,228
Asset Limits:
Homeowner $15,000
Renter $12,000
Applications can be done over the phone and through the mail for homebound individuals.
To schedule an appointment or for additional information, please call (860) 425-6681.
Designed to help those in need feel good, deal with life’s changes, depression, addiction, and address other mental health needs. The Better Health Program, provides a licensed clinician to work one-on-one with our residents and offer our weekly group support services. This valuable program is FREE to our Montville residents! This program is usually at the Center though during this time, will be made via phone calls and/or Zoom for support groups if possible. This program is made possible with Title III funds under the Older Americans Act from Senior Resources.
Call Kathie the Director @ 860-848-0422 for details.
If you have not already contacted the Senior Center office, there are no available appointments.
You can contact T.V.C.C.A. and inquire about their V.I.T.A. program (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) to see if they have any available appointments.
The AARP Tax-Aide program provides free tax counseling and preparation for middle to low-Income taxpayers with special attention to those people aged 60 and over. Because of COVID-19 concerns, the process will be different this year. Please call the Senior Center at 860-739-5859 for details.
Taxpayers must provide their:
- Personal Identification and Social Security Number,
- Copies of your 2020 Federal and Connecticut tax returns, and
- All 2020 income reports that have been received: (SSA-1099, all 1099s, all W-2s, Unemployment Compensation forms), Brokerage Statements, and all other forms that indicate Federal and/or Connecticut income taxes were paid in 2020.
Letter from Liaison Councilor Billy Caron:
Dear Seniors,
I hope you are all doing well and everyone that wants one, is able to get your COVID vaccine. I am grateful to our friends of the Mohegan Tribe for working with me and our Center Director, to be able to offer the vaccine to all of our seniors still in need. I am aware that there are many programs available to our senior population at the different levels: Fed-eral, State, and Local, so please take advantage of all the benefits you qualify for to help you through this difficult time. We have a great staff at our Sen-ior Center and Social Services and they are working hard for all of you. If you have any needs, please call them and allow them to help. I know we are all looking forward to the days when we can all be back in each other’s company, safely! Again, I hope you are all staying safe and healthy and want to remind you all to reach out for assistance if needed, there are many avenues of help! – Councilor Billy Caron
Outdoor Food Bank
We are continuing our OUTDOOR FOOD BANK Wednesday—Fridays from 1:00—3:00 PM in the Senior Center parking lot for any of our seniors in need and/or uncomfortable go-ing to the public grocery stores.