It is what it sounds like! Let’s have a scavenger hunt on Zoom. Don’t worry  – you’ll be looking for items in your own home.

Register with the Senior Center to get your Zoom invite by March 23rd.


Drive-Thru Food Distribution

Connecticut Food Bank in conjunction with Foodshare will be offering a weekly Drive-Thru Food Distribution in Norwich.  You remain in your vehicle and groceries will be placed in your trunk or back seat.  Please wear a mask.  No appointment needed – just show up during hours listed below.

WHEN: every Monday

LOCATION: Parking lot across from Pistol Pete’s Bar & Grill

28 Stonington Road, Norwich, CT 06360

HOURS: 9:30 am – 12:00 pm

For more information visit:

Or call the Connecticut Food Bank: (203) 741-9751 or (203) 469-5000


Emergency Food Delivery

A service provided by Senior Resources Agency on Aging

Are you having difficulty adjusting to the new normal?  Do you need assistance buying groceries?

Are you finding it difficult to safely go grocery shopping?  Senior Resources can help!

Contact Senior Resources at (860) 887-3561

Ask to speak to one of the staff regarding the Emergency Food Delivery Program.

Senior Resources can purchase a $50 maximum household grocery order and deliver it to you.  Please have your grocery list ready when calling and be prepared to answer a few eligibility questions.

You will be asked if you are 60 years old or older and if you are enrolled in certain programs.  You may be eligible for other programs that can help you.  In order to be screened for eligibility for other programs Senior Resources can assist you with, please know your gross monthly income.

Contact Senior Resources with any questions.  (860) 887-3561

DoorDash Food Box Delivery

DoorDash, the popular food delivery app, is helping to bring non-perishable food boxes from the Salvation Army to people in need.  This program is in collaboration with United Way.

Food boxes sent out to individuals and families typically including oats, rice, dry beans, tuna, peanut butter, canned vegetables, canned fruit, and powdered milk.  All shelf-stable food items.

The program is aimed to address the needs of high risk individuals during the COVID pandemic and to help those who are homebound, individuals who are high-risk of severe complications from COVID, those aged 65 years and older or those in quarantine.


Call United Way 2-1-1 and tell them you are interested in the DoorDash Food Box Delivery through the Salvation Army.  United Way will communicate your request to the Norwich Salvation Army who will contact you to arrange delivery.  DoorDash will pick up the food box from the Salvation Army and deliver it to you.  Deliveries are normally on Thursdays.

This program is though a partnership with the State of Connecticut, Salvation Army, United Way and DoorDash and is overseen by Connecticut Agriculture Commissioner Bryan P. Hurlburt


Internet Service Payment Help

Are you a Grandparent raising a Grandchild?

Norwich Human Services has two programs available to assist grandparent who are raising their grandchildren pay for internet service so their grandchild can attend remote learning opportunities.

If you currently have Comcast Internet Essentials plan, which costs $9.95/month, Norwich Human Services can help pay for 6 months of service per household if this is the internet plan you have.

Funding for this program is made possible by a grant from Chelsea Groton Bank.

If you currently have any other higher priced Comcast plan or any internet plan other than Comcast, Norwich Human Services can help pay $50 for 6 months of service per household toward your bill.

Funding for this program is made possible by the Community Foundation and Graustein Memorial.

For more information or to apply for assistance,

Please contact Lee-Ann Gomes, Norwich Human Services Director (860) 823-3778


ATTENTION: Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the Rose City Senior Center is currently closed to the public.

We are currently offering help with grocery shopping and rides to medical appointments.

Please call for information.

Information in this newsletter is as up-to-date as possible but is subject to change.

We will do our best to keep you up-to-date on the re-opening status of the Senior Center.

If you have a question or are looking for services or resources to help you,  please contact us at (860) 889-5960.


ZOOM ZUMBA- Mondays 5:30 to 6:30pm

Must be 60+ to participate, please call the office during regular office hours to sign up! #860-848-0422.

ZUMBA GOLD is specifically designed for senior citizens and now you get to do in the privacy of your own home – staying safe while staying active.

Zumba Gold is the lower impact, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired dance fitness class that will help keep you healthy & happy while having lots of fun!


Monday—Strength Training 2:00 PM
Wednesday—Strength Training 2:00 PM
Thursday—Healthy Stretching 3:00 PM

We are providing a ZOOM class with the Healthy Stretch and Strength Training Programs. Our regular instructor Lorraine will be teaching the class. If you are interested in participating via ZOOM for the next few months, please call and sign up with the office. We will give you the details at that time. Classes will be every Wednesday from 2:30 – 3:30 PM. Classes will include the Strength Training as Strength training increases muscle mass and also strengthens your bones, helps with weight management, provides relief from arthritis pain, lowers risk of injury, and improves cardiac health. You will be safely guided, by an ACE certified personal trainer, through a variety of exercise designed to increase muscular strength, range of motion, and flexibility required for everyday living at its best.” No need to sign up; just wear comfortable clothing and sneakers and come on down and take charge of your health. Classes will also include a Healthy Stretch portion of the class.
“As we age our muscles become shorter and lose their elasticity. Aging can affect the structure of our bones and muscles causing pain and decreased range of motion in the shoulders, spine, and hips. Stretching is an excellent way to help relieve pain, increase flexibility, and increase range of motion to enhance our everyday life. Class is for anyone seeking to achieve the many benefits of stretching.” Please wear comfortable clothing and sneakers to participate in class.


Join us for our Montville Senior Center monthly ZOOM BINGO! Call the Center for details on the start date of our new monthly ZOOM BINGO. BIN-GO cards will be mailed out to each senior interested in playing ZOOM BINGO with us!
For details, information, and BINGO cards, please call #860-848-0422 or email Caitlin at

ZOOM ZENTANGLE- TUESDAYS from 2:30 to 4:30pm

Cost: FREE
(Materials can be purchased at the Center FOR $10.00 KITS or you can bring your own)
Zentangle is an easy to learn method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns. Learn to relax (the “ZEN” part) while creating beautiful, repetitive, design work (the “TANGLE” part). You will learn a variety of “tangles” (patterns) and combine them in your own unique way. IT’s easy to learn, and the best part is that you don’t need to have any drawing skills to do this! Each intricate design is broken down in easy to follow steps that guarantee a successful and unique piece.

Please register in front office during regular office hours.