Change – Content by Judy

Change is defined as – the act of making or becoming different. This whole COVID situation certainly has made our entire lives different in a multitude of ways. From how we stay safe, interact, work and even make purchases evolves constantly.

2020 has been the all-time master of change whether we wanted it or not! Who would have ever dreamed we would be wearing masks? In 2019 we didn’t even know what social distancing was. Also, in 2019 just what could of possibly have been meant by “mandatory stay at home”?? Or that children would no longer go to school?

Even if someone had told you that they were going to make all of this into a movie, most of us would have said it’s all too crazy and no one will ever go see that!

For us New England Patriots fans the biggest 2020 news should have been Tom Brady leaving!! Instead local and high school sports almost doesn’t exist. Fans can’t go to games.  We don’t know from week to week which school is opened, and which are closed.

COVID has changed our world forever. Whether we wanted it or not! Life will never go back to what it was.

Now is the time we should be thinking about how we want our individual lives to be as we move past 2020.

What do you want your 2022 to look like? What have you been dreaming about? What did you miss the most? What did you get robbed of in 2020? My husband and I were not able to celebrate our 50th Anniversary the way we had been planning for the last three years. We were going to have a huge party with all of the bells and whistles followed by a three-week vacation to Vancouver, a cruise to San Francisco and then onto Las Vegas.

So now is the time to start planning to live the life you want. Use the present to get healthier. Find new paths to travel. Start saving, even if it’s only $5.00 a week.

Don’t be afraid to reach out. Talk to your doctor, your friends, your family. Find a therapist.  Tell them how hard 2020 has been for you.

Embrace change! No matter what it will look like.

Figure out new ways to socialize. I’m doing a Zoom Paint Night where the instructor will be online, and attendees can be in person in small groups or on Zoom. A network I’m part of is planning a Zoom night where we will learn how to make a couple of drinks.

Start work on your “2020 Bucket List”. Start making the actual plan on how you will achieve those goals. Hit the ground running. Be ready  to live.

Now start planning your 2022 so you will know what it’s going to look like!!

Change – Content by Judy

Change is defined as – the act of making or becoming different. This whole COVID situation certainly has made our entire lives different in a multitude of ways. From how we stay safe, interact, work and even make purchases evolves constantly.

2020 has been the all-time master of change whether we wanted it or not! Who would have ever dreamed we would be wearing masks? In 2019 we didn’t even know what social distancing was. Also, in 2019 just what could of possibly have been meant by “mandatory stay at home”?? Or that children would no longer go to school?

Even if someone had told you that they were going to make all of this into a movie, most of us would have said it’s all too crazy and no one will ever go see that!

For us New England Patriots fans the biggest 2020 news should have been Tom Brady leaving!! Instead local and high school sports almost doesn’t exist. Fans can’t go to games.  We don’t know from week to week which school is opened, and which are closed.

COVID has changed our world forever. Whether we wanted it or not! Life will never go back to what it was.

Now is the time we should be thinking about how we want our individual lives to be as we move past 2020.

What do you want your 2022 to look like? What have you been dreaming about? What did you miss the most? What did you get robbed of in 2020? My husband and I were not able to celebrate our 50th Anniversary the way we had been planning for the last three years. We were going to have a huge party with all of the bells and whistles followed by a three-week vacation to Vancouver, a cruise to San Francisco and then onto Las Vegas.

So now is the time to start planning to live the life you want. Use the present to get healthier. Find new paths to travel. Start saving, even if it’s only $5.00 a week.

Don’t be afraid to reach out. Talk to your doctor, your friends, your family. Find a therapist.  Tell them how hard 2020 has been for you.

Embrace change! No matter what it will look like.

Figure out new ways to socialize. I’m doing a Zoom Paint Night where the instructor will be online, and attendees can be in person in small groups or on Zoom. A network I’m part of is planning a Zoom night where we will learn how to make a couple of drinks.

Start work on your “2020 Bucket List”. Start making the actual plan on how you will achieve those goals. Hit the ground running. Be ready  to live.

Now start planning your 2022 so you will know what it’s going to look like!!

Change – Content by Judy

Change is defined as – the act of making or becoming different. This whole COVID situation certainly has made our entire lives different in a multitude of ways. From how we stay safe, interact, work and even make purchases evolves constantly.

2020 has been the all-time master of change whether we wanted it or not! Who would have ever dreamed we would be wearing masks? In 2019 we didn’t even know what social distancing was. Also, in 2019 just what could of possibly have been meant by “mandatory stay at home”?? Or that children would no longer go to school?

Even if someone had told you that they were going to make all of this into a movie, most of us would have said it’s all too crazy and no one will ever go see that!

For us New England Patriots fans the biggest 2020 news should have been Tom Brady leaving!! Instead local and high school sports almost doesn’t exist. Fans can’t go to games.  We don’t know from week to week which school is opened, and which are closed.

COVID has changed our world forever. Whether we wanted it or not! Life will never go back to what it was.

Now is the time we should be thinking about how we want our individual lives to be as we move past 2020.

What do you want your 2022 to look like? What have you been dreaming about? What did you miss the most? What did you get robbed of in 2020? My husband and I were not able to celebrate our 50th Anniversary the way we had been planning for the last three years. We were going to have a huge party with all of the bells and whistles followed by a three-week vacation to Vancouver, a cruise to San Francisco and then onto Las Vegas.

So now is the time to start planning to live the life you want. Use the present to get healthier. Find new paths to travel. Start saving, even if it’s only $5.00 a week.

Don’t be afraid to reach out. Talk to your doctor, your friends, your family. Find a therapist.  Tell them how hard 2020 has been for you.

Embrace change! No matter what it will look like.

Figure out new ways to socialize. I’m doing a Zoom Paint Night where the instructor will be online, and attendees can be in person in small groups or on Zoom. A network I’m part of is planning a Zoom night where we will learn how to make a couple of drinks.

Start work on your “2020 Bucket List”. Start making the actual plan on how you will achieve those goals. Hit the ground running. Be ready  to live.

Now start planning your 2022 so you will know what it’s going to look like!!

Change – Content by Judy

Change is defined as – the act of making or becoming different. This whole COVID situation certainly has made our entire lives different in a multitude of ways. From how we stay safe, interact, work and even make purchases evolves constantly.

2020 has been the all-time master of change whether we wanted it or not! Who would have ever dreamed we would be wearing masks? In 2019 we didn’t even know what social distancing was. Also, in 2019 just what could of possibly have been meant by “mandatory stay at home”?? Or that children would no longer go to school?

Even if someone had told you that they were going to make all of this into a movie, most of us would have said it’s all too crazy and no one will ever go see that!

For us New England Patriots fans the biggest 2020 news should have been Tom Brady leaving!! Instead local and high school sports almost doesn’t exist. Fans can’t go to games.  We don’t know from week to week which school is opened, and which are closed.

COVID has changed our world forever. Whether we wanted it or not! Life will never go back to what it was.

Now is the time we should be thinking about how we want our individual lives to be as we move past 2020.

What do you want your 2022 to look like? What have you been dreaming about? What did you miss the most? What did you get robbed of in 2020? My husband and I were not able to celebrate our 50th Anniversary the way we had been planning for the last three years. We were going to have a huge party with all of the bells and whistles followed by a three-week vacation to Vancouver, a cruise to San Francisco and then onto Las Vegas.

So now is the time to start planning to live the life you want. Use the present to get healthier. Find new paths to travel. Start saving, even if it’s only $5.00 a week.

Don’t be afraid to reach out. Talk to your doctor, your friends, your family. Find a therapist.  Tell them how hard 2020 has been for you.

Embrace change! No matter what it will look like.

Figure out new ways to socialize. I’m doing a Zoom Paint Night where the instructor will be online, and attendees can be in person in small groups or on Zoom. A network I’m part of is planning a Zoom night where we will learn how to make a couple of drinks.

Start work on your “2020 Bucket List”. Start making the actual plan on how you will achieve those goals. Hit the ground running. Be ready  to live.

Now start planning your 2022 so you will know what it’s going to look like!!

Change – Content by Judy

Change is defined as – the act of making or becoming different. This whole COVID situation certainly has made our entire lives different in a multitude of ways. From how we stay safe, interact, work and even make purchases evolves constantly.

2020 has been the all-time master of change whether we wanted it or not! Who would have ever dreamed we would be wearing masks? In 2019 we didn’t even know what social distancing was. Also, in 2019 just what could of possibly have been meant by “mandatory stay at home”?? Or that children would no longer go to school?

Even if someone had told you that they were going to make all of this into a movie, most of us would have said it’s all too crazy and no one will ever go see that!

For us New England Patriots fans the biggest 2020 news should have been Tom Brady leaving!! Instead local and high school sports almost doesn’t exist. Fans can’t go to games.  We don’t know from week to week which school is opened, and which are closed.

COVID has changed our world forever. Whether we wanted it or not! Life will never go back to what it was.

Now is the time we should be thinking about how we want our individual lives to be as we move past 2020.

What do you want your 2022 to look like? What have you been dreaming about? What did you miss the most? What did you get robbed of in 2020? My husband and I were not able to celebrate our 50th Anniversary the way we had been planning for the last three years. We were going to have a huge party with all of the bells and whistles followed by a three-week vacation to Vancouver, a cruise to San Francisco and then onto Las Vegas.

So now is the time to start planning to live the life you want. Use the present to get healthier. Find new paths to travel. Start saving, even if it’s only $5.00 a week.

Don’t be afraid to reach out. Talk to your doctor, your friends, your family. Find a therapist.  Tell them how hard 2020 has been for you.

Embrace change! No matter what it will look like.

Figure out new ways to socialize. I’m doing a Zoom Paint Night where the instructor will be online, and attendees can be in person in small groups or on Zoom. A network I’m part of is planning a Zoom night where we will learn how to make a couple of drinks.

Start work on your “2020 Bucket List”. Start making the actual plan on how you will achieve those goals. Hit the ground running. Be ready  to live.

Now start planning your 2022 so you will know what it’s going to look like!!

Virtual Exercise Classes

Upcoming Virtual Classes- To Sign Up email

CLASS Date of First Class & Time/ Duration COST
Country Line Dancing (MON) January 4th at 2:15pm/ 6 Week Session FREE

Slow and Steady Yoga (MON) January 4th 9:00-10:15/ 9 Week Session $45.00

Sit n Be Fit (TUES) Drop in & ongoing at 10:00am FREE

Chair Yoga for Pain (WED) January 6th 9:00-10:15am/ 8 Week Session $40.00

Tap Class (WED) Ongoing at 11:00am on Wednesdays FREE

Slow and Steady Yoga (FRI) January 8th 9:00-10:15/ 9 Week Session $45.00


Stay Active @ Home

Now more than ever we need to be active at home to look after bother our physical and mental health.

Go outside to walk, jog and run (following current government guidelines)

Strength and balance exercises

Break up sitting time (stand during advert breaks, stand when talking on the phone)

Walk more around the house


Use the stairs

Housework (hoovering/ ironging/ dusting)

Every movement counts!

10 Ways to Have a Healthy Holiday Season

Brighten the holidays by making your health and safety a
priority. Take steps to keep you and your loved ones safe and
healthy—and ready to enjoy the holidays.

1. Wash hands often to help prevent the spread of germs. It’s
flu season. Wash your hands with soap and clean running water for at least 20 seconds.

2. Bundle up to stay dry and warm. Wear appropriate outdoor
clothing: light, warm layers, gloves, hats, scarves, and waterproof boots.

3. Manage stress. Give yourself a break if you feel stressed out,
overwhelmed, and out of control. Some of the best ways to
manage stress are to find support, connect socially, and get
plenty of sleep.

4. Don’t drink and drive or let others drink and drive. Whenever anyone drives drunk, they put everyone on the road in danger. Choose not to drink and drive and help others do the same.

5. Fasten seat belts while driving or riding in a motor
vehicle. Always buckle your children in the car using a child
safety seat, booster seat, or seat belt according to their height,
weight, and age. Buckle up every time, no matter how short the trip and encourage passengers to do the same.

6. Get exams and screenings. Ask your health care provider what exams you need and when to get them. Update your personal and family history.

7. Get your vaccinations. Vaccinations help prevent diseases and save lives. Everyone 6 months and older should get a flu vaccine each year.

8. Practice fire safety. Most residential fires occur during the
winter months, so don’t leave fireplaces, space heaters, food
cooking on stoves, or candles unattended. Have an emergency
plan and practice it regularly.