Get a Job – Content by Judy

Now’s the time! Companies are hiring! Big and small. Full time and part time.

Just figure out what are you looking for? Do you want to do the same type of work you did before? Do you want to do something totally different? Do you want something to keep you busy and get you out of the house? Maybe find a job that goes along with your hobby?

Do you want to work just part of the year? If so, retail hiring for the holidays, garden centers, landscape companies.

Check out schools. They are hiring nurses’ aides, substitute teachers, Paraprofessionals, bus monitors, and office staff.

Do you like wine and know a lot about it? Check out the area wineries and see if they have seasonal openings.

What about the golf course? Work part-time and maybe play for free. The same with a gym, maybe.

What population would you like to work with? Kids? Maybe a day care or a school? Be a nanny.

With food? How about a restaurant or a bakery??

Maybe you want to work in a big box store and take advantage of the discount they give to workers?

Do you want to meet a lot of people? So, maybe a receptionist? Telemarketer??  How about a service desk clerk? Customer returns?

What do you want from a job? Extra money? Structure? Identity? Being able to travel?

Could the job, you are looking for be at a bank, perhaps an online job? Maybe sales where you earn commission based on the sales you make – if that is the case the sky could be the limit for your income.

Home Care agencies are always looking to hire. So are Nursing Homes and Rehabs. Those jobs could be in the kitchen or laundry at the Nursing Home, a companion, a Certified Nurse’s Aide, taking people to appointments, maybe light housework.

To find these jobs. Tell others you are looking. Look on Facebook. Lots of times companies post jobs there. Ask at the places you go to each week. Volunteer then get hired.

And what about tutoring? Were you a teacher? Are you really good at math? Are you already helping some kids with remote learning?

Right now, with what is going on with COVID, some families are looking for more one-on-one situations. You could teach using ZOOM. You could help kids figure out and organize the assignments that the schools are giving them. It can be every hard for families where both parents are working to then come home and find the time to assist their students every day. And you could be the person they need.

Also, some families are grouping up and hiring someone to teach all the kids. This would be great if you are a retired teacher!!l

You can easily put yourself out there on Facebook or LinkedIn with what you have to offer and then anyone interested can private massager you. Depending on what you want to do, you do not ever have to actually meet person to person. You do not even need to live in the same area. You could be in Milwaukee and the student could be in Denver.

The time to apply is now!! Research. Develop a resume and cover letter. Even if you do not need those, they will help you rediscover your skills and talents. Have a list of questions to ask the interviewer.  And if you get rejected, do not put yourself down. It is not personal.

Just move on to the next opportunity and “Get a Job”

Get a Job – Content by Judy

Now’s the time! Companies are hiring! Big and small. Full time and part time.

Just figure out what are you looking for? Do you want to do the same type of work you did before? Do you want to do something totally different? Do you want something to keep you busy and get you out of the house? Maybe find a job that goes along with your hobby?

Do you want to work just part of the year? If so, retail hiring for the holidays, garden centers, landscape companies.

Check out schools. They are hiring nurses’ aides, substitute teachers, Paraprofessionals, bus monitors, and office staff.

Do you like wine and know a lot about it? Check out the area wineries and see if they have seasonal openings.

What about the golf course? Work part-time and maybe play for free. The same with a gym, maybe.

What population would you like to work with? Kids? Maybe a day care or a school? Be a nanny.

With food? How about a restaurant or a bakery??

Maybe you want to work in a big box store and take advantage of the discount they give to workers?

Do you want to meet a lot of people? So, maybe a receptionist? Telemarketer??  How about a service desk clerk? Customer returns?

What do you want from a job? Extra money? Structure? Identity? Being able to travel?

Could the job, you are looking for be at a bank, perhaps an online job? Maybe sales where you earn commission based on the sales you make – if that is the case the sky could be the limit for your income.

Home Care agencies are always looking to hire. So are Nursing Homes and Rehabs. Those jobs could be in the kitchen or laundry at the Nursing Home, a companion, a Certified Nurse’s Aide, taking people to appointments, maybe light housework.

To find these jobs. Tell others you are looking. Look on Facebook. Lots of times companies post jobs there. Ask at the places you go to each week. Volunteer then get hired.

And what about tutoring? Were you a teacher? Are you really good at math? Are you already helping some kids with remote learning?

Right now, with what is going on with COVID, some families are looking for more one-on-one situations. You could teach using ZOOM. You could help kids figure out and organize the assignments that the schools are giving them. It can be every hard for families where both parents are working to then come home and find the time to assist their students every day. And you could be the person they need.

Also, some families are grouping up and hiring someone to teach all the kids. This would be great if you are a retired teacher!!l

You can easily put yourself out there on Facebook or LinkedIn with what you have to offer and then anyone interested can private massager you. Depending on what you want to do, you do not ever have to actually meet person to person. You do not even need to live in the same area. You could be in Milwaukee and the student could be in Denver.

The time to apply is now!! Research. Develop a resume and cover letter. Even if you do not need those, they will help you rediscover your skills and talents. Have a list of questions to ask the interviewer.  And if you get rejected, do not put yourself down. It is not personal.

Just move on to the next opportunity and “Get a Job”



Get a Job – Content by Judy

Now’s the time! Companies are hiring! Big and small. Full time and part time.

Just figure out what are you looking for? Do you want to do the same type of work you did before? Do you want to do something totally different? Do you want something to keep you busy and get you out of the house? Maybe find a job that goes along with your hobby?

Do you want to work just part of the year? If so, retail hiring for the holidays, garden centers, landscape companies.

Check out schools. They are hiring nurses’ aides, substitute teachers, Paraprofessionals, bus monitors, and office staff.

Do you like wine and know a lot about it? Check out the area wineries and see if they have seasonal openings.

What about the golf course? Work part-time and maybe play for free. The same with a gym, maybe.

What population would you like to work with? Kids? Maybe a day care or a school? Be a nanny.

With food? How about a restaurant or a bakery??

Maybe you want to work in a big box store and take advantage of the discount they give to workers?

Do you want to meet a lot of people? So, maybe a receptionist? Telemarketer??  How about a service desk clerk? Customer returns?

What do you want from a job? Extra money? Structure? Identity? Being able to travel?

Could the job, you are looking for be at a bank, perhaps an online job? Maybe sales where you earn commission based on the sales you make – if that is the case the sky could be the limit for your income.

Home Care agencies are always looking to hire. So are Nursing Homes and Rehabs. Those jobs could be in the kitchen or laundry at the Nursing Home, a companion, a Certified Nurse’s Aide, taking people to appointments, maybe light housework.

To find these jobs. Tell others you are looking. Look on Facebook. Lots of times companies post jobs there. Ask at the places you go to each week. Volunteer then get hired.

And what about tutoring? Were you a teacher? Are you really good at math? Are you already helping some kids with remote learning?

Right now, with what is going on with COVID, some families are looking for more one-on-one situations. You could teach using ZOOM. You could help kids figure out and organize the assignments that the schools are giving them. It can be every hard for families where both parents are working to then come home and find the time to assist their students every day. And you could be the person they need.

Also, some families are grouping up and hiring someone to teach all the kids. This would be great if you are a retired teacher!!l

You can easily put yourself out there on Facebook or LinkedIn with what you have to offer and then anyone interested can private massager you. Depending on what you want to do, you do not ever have to actually meet person to person. You do not even need to live in the same area. You could be in Milwaukee and the student could be in Denver.

The time to apply is now!! Research. Develop a resume and cover letter. Even if you do not need those, they will help you rediscover your skills and talents. Have a list of questions to ask the interviewer.  And if you get rejected, do not put yourself down. It is not personal.

Just move on to the next opportunity and “Get a Job”

VNA and GSC offer Flu Clinic Sept 23

Visiting Nurses Association will offer a drive thru flu shot clinic at Groton Senior Center Wednesday, September 23, 9 am to 11 am.  



It has been months since our center was open to the public. As we keep moving safely through this pandemic let us keep in mind that one day in mid March, without any real warning, we were instructed to close our doors. Just like us, schools and many businesses also just closed.

This happened to all of us. Our community here at Groton Senior Center, our local community and our families near and far. Let that sink in. Though at times it may feel like it is just you going through these hard times. We all lost sudden contact with one another. Our children and grandchildren were affected. Our parents were affected. Sigh, those admitted to hospitals weren’t allowed to have any one to sit with them. Our health, finances and even spiritual outlets were all compromised. Is it any wonder that almost six months later we are less patient with one another?

Whatever doors were closed to you, it is important to remember PATIENCE. We all have been struggling.  We too want to be open again. We too want “normal” again. We too are anxious, antsy and a bit of everything in between. As we eventually do head back to normal, our patience is being tested all over again. Patience.  May it be one of your strongest characteristics.






Membership Renewal

Membership Renewal

Membership renewal in normally due starting July 1st.  Since the Senior Center is still closed to the public until further notice, we are accepting renewals by mail only at this point.

We have already begun receiving renewals from some of our current Members.  If you are not currently using any of our services and would prefer to wait until we reopen to renew your Membership, that is fine and we understand.  If you are currently using one of our services (such as Transportation) we ask that you renew at this time.

For those of you who would like to pay your Membership dues now, please fill out the Membership Form on the adjacent page and mail it in with your payment.  You can also call and pay over the phone with a credit card.  Filling out the Membership Form is important for us to make sure we have all of your up-to-date information, including correct emergency contact information.  If you call to pay over the phone, please go over your information with us or still mail in the completed Membership Form.

As a reminder, Membership dues paid to the Senior Center go directly towards providing services, programs, classes, activities and events.  They help us pay instructors for different classes we offer and provide needed supplies for different senior center groups.  Money we receive from dues stays with the Senior Center and does not go into the City of Norwich’s general fund.  The Senior Center controls how and when we use the money in order to provide you with the best services.

We appreciate all the donations and Memberships that we receive in order for us

to bring you as much as we can.  Thank you!


Food Distribution

Hosted by UCFS Healthcare (United Community Family Services) in
partnership with United Way Gemma Moran Food Pantry, we will be scheduling a
Mobile Food Pantry on the following dates:
Friday, August 14, 2020 from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Friday, August 28, 2020 from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Both distribution dates will be held at the Preston Senior Center, 42 Long
Society Road, Preston. Registrations are not required for this program and it is a
No Contact Drive thru!
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we do ask that all participants wear a facial
mask during the distribution. If you have any questions, please contact the Senior
Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 extension 6.

Renters Rebate of Elderly and Totally Disabled Program:

Applications for the Renter’s Rebate Program continue to be processed for
Preston residents. Currently , persons interested in applying for the program are
requested to utilize the blue “drop box” located at the front entrance to the
Preston Town Hall, 389 Route 2, Preston. (place all of your documents in a sealed
envelope which is marked “attention Fran” on the face of the envelope. Please
include a working telephone number which you can be contacted at, should
questions arise.
Applicants must provide proof of rent and utilities payments during the
2019 calendar year. Qualifying income guidelines are $37,000.00 for unmarried
individuals and $45,100.00 for a married couple. If you are interested in applying
for the program or have questions concerning the process, please contact the
Senior Affairs Office at 860-887-5581 ext. 6. Application deadline is October 1st